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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Skylar Grant 37a8c9486f
Merge pull request #2 from voidf1sh:dev
Documentation and error handling
2022-12-03 20:55:50 -05:00
Skylar Grant f356df7096
Merge pull request #1 from voidf1sh/dev 2022-12-03 20:34:33 -05:00
23 changed files with 259 additions and 5011 deletions

.DS_Store vendored

Binary file not shown.

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -5,15 +5,6 @@ npm-debug.log*
# Diagnostic reports (

.vscode/launch.json vendored
View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Launch Program",
"skipFiles": [
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/main.js"

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
// Place your pscontrolpanel workspace snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and
// description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope
// is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is
// used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders.
// Placeholders with the same ids are connected.
// Example:
// "Print to console": {
// "scope": "javascript,typescript",
// "prefix": "log",
// "body": [
// "console.log('$1');",
// "$2"
// ],
// "description": "Log output to console"
// }
"Hestia Debug Log": {
"scope": "javascript",
"prefix": "log",
"body": "if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: $1`);$0",
"description": "Log output to console if in debug mode"
"Run only on Pi": {
"scope": "javascript",
"prefix": "onpi",
"body": "if (process.env.ONPI == 'true') {\n\t$1\n} else {\n\t$2\n}$0",
"description": "Run something only if the ONPI env var is set"
"Hestia Error": {
"scope": "javascript",
"prefix": "err",
"body": "console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] E: $1`)$0",
"description": "Log an error to the console with timestamp"
"Hestia Log": {
"scope": "javascript",
"prefix": "log",
"body": "console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: $1`);$0",
"description": "Log output to console always"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Hestia
Node.js Raspberry Pi Pellet Stove Controller, named after the Greek virgin goddess of the hearth.
# pscontrolpanel
Node.js Raspberry Pi Pellet Stove Controller
# About
This project seeks to replace the OEM control panel on a Lennox Winslow PS40 pellet stove with a Raspberry Pi. I will be utilizing a Raspberry Pi Zero W, relays, and switches already installed on the pellet stove. I chose a Pi Zero W for its small form factor, the lack of pre-installed headers, its wireless connectivity, and familiarity with the platform. I had previously used an Arduino Nano for a much more rudimentary version of this project and found great difficulty in making adjustments to the code. Additionally the Raspberry Pi platform will allow for expansion in the future to include IoT controls and logging of usage utilizing networked databases. The project will be written using Node.js and the rpi-gpio Node module. I've chosen Node.js for its familiarity as well as ease of implementation of a web server for future expansion.
@ -39,68 +39,3 @@ For ease of adaption, connection, and prototyping I've decided to use Cat 5 ethe
* Pause the script by creating a file named `pause` in the root directory.
* Reload the environment variables by creating a file named `reload` in the root directory.
* Quit the script by creating a file named `quit` in the root directory.
# Roadmap
* v0.1 - Get the pellet stove operating at a basic level. Only implements the auger relay and no safeties.
* v0.2 - Implement safety switches and put the igniter and combustion blowers on relays controlled by the Pi.
* v0.3 - Implement the HTTP module to allow controlling the stove from the LAN.
* v0.4 - Implement usage logging with a SQL database.
# Testing Procedure
1. Launch app, check startup messages, check that it idles and pauses properly.
2. Provide ignite command, observe if the igniter, blower, and auger get turned on. Make sure the igniter turns off after the pre-set time.
3. Test that the following conditions cause a shutdown:
* Proof of Fire Switch OPEN after igniter shutoff.
* Vacuum Switch OPEN after igniter start.
4. Test manipulation of feed rates.
5. Test shutdown sequence.
# SQLite Database Tables
## status
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ----- | ---- | ---- | --- | ------- | ----- |
| id | int(10) | No | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| key | varchar(100) | No | | |
| value | varchar(1000) | No | | |
| id | key | value |
| -- | --- | ----- |
0 | igniter | 0
1 | blower | 0
2 | auger | 0
3 | igniter_finished | false
4 | shutdown_initiated | 0
5 | vacuum | 0
6 | proof_of_fire | 0
7 | shutdown_next_cycle | 0
## timestamps
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ----- | ---- | ---- | --- | ------- | ----- |
| id | int(10) | No | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| key | varchar(100) | No | | |
| value | varchar(1000) | No | | |
| id | key | value |
| -- | --- | ----- |
0 | process_start | 0
1 | blower_on | 0
2 | blower_off | 0
3 | igniter_on | 0
4 | igniter_off | 0
## intervals
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ----- | ---- | ---- | --- | ------- | ----- |
| id | int(10) | No | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| key | varchar(100) | No | | |
| value | varchar(1000) | No | | |
| id | key | value |
| -- | --- | ----- |
0 | auger_on | 600
1 | auger_off | 1400
2 | pause | 5000
3 | igniter_start | 420000
4 | blower_stop | 600000

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
Logic Goal:
1. Start Script & Web Server
2. Await a command from the user.
3. Startup enables auger
4. If auger is enabled, run the cycle command.
5. Once per cycle, read then rewrite the config file for interoperability
6. Set feed rate based on config.

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"database": {
"createConfigTable": ""

functions.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
// Get environment variables
const dotenv = require('dotenv').config();
// Module for working with files
const fs = require('fs');
// Promises I think?
const { resolve } = require('path');
// The functions we'll export to be used in other files
const functions = {
auger: {
// Gets called once the Auger Pin has been setup by rpi-gpio
ready(err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Auger GPIO Ready');
// Turns the auger on (Pin 7 high)
on(gpio) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (process.env.ONPI == 'true') {
gpio.write(7, true, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
resolve('Auger turned on.');
} else {
console.log('NOPI Auger turned on.');
resolve('NOPI Auger turned on.');
// Turns the auger off (pin 7 low)
off(gpio) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (process.env.ONPI == 'true') {
gpio.write(7, false, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
resolve('Auger turned on.');
} else {
console.log('NOPI Auger turned off.');
resolve('NOPI Auger turned off.');
// Cycles the auger using the two functions above this one (functions.auger.on() and
// Sleeps in between cycles using functions.sleep()
cycle(gpio) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// Turn the auger on
this.on(gpio).then((res) => {
// Log action if in debug mode
if (process.env.DEBUG == 'true') console.log(res);
// Sleep for the time set in env variables
functions.sleep(process.env.ONTIME).then((res) => {
// Log action if in debug mode
if (process.env.DEBUG == 'true') console.log(res);
// Turn the auger off => {
// Log action if in debug mode
if (process.env.DEBUG == 'true') console.log(res);
// Sleep for the time set in env variables
functions.sleep(process.env.OFFTIME).then((res) => {
// Log action if in debug mode
if (process.env.DEBUG == 'true') console.log(res);
// Resolve the promise, letting the main script know the cycle is complete
resolve("Cycle complete.");
files: {
// Check for a preset-list of files in the root directory of the app
check() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Check for pause file existing
if (fs.existsSync('./pause')) {
// Resolve the promise, letting the main script know what we found
// Check for reload file existing
if (fs.existsSync('./reload')) {
// Resolve the promise, letting the main script know what we found
// Check for quit file existing
if (fs.existsSync('./quit')) {
// Resolve the promise, letting the main script know what we found
// Resolve the promise, letting the main script know what we found (nothing)
commands: {
// Pauses the script for the time defined in env variables
pause() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
functions.sleep(process.env.PAUSETIME).then(() => { resolve(); });
// Reload the environment variables on the fly
reload(envs) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// Re-require dotenv because inheritance in js sucks
const dotenv = require('dotenv').config({ override: true });
// Delete the reload file
fs.unlink('./reload', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
if (process.env.DEBUG == 'true') console.log('Deleted reload file.');
// Print out the new environment variables
// This should be printed regardless of debug status, maybe prettied up TODO?
console.log('Reloaded environment variables.');
// Resolve the promise, letting the main script know we're done reloading the variables and the cycle can continue
// Shutdown the script gracefully
quit() {
// Delete the quit file
fs.unlink('./quit', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
if (process.env.DEBUG == 'true') console.log('Removed quit file.');
// Print out that the script is quitting
// Quit the script
// Sleeps for any given milliseconds, call with await
sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (process.env.DEBUG == "true") console.log(`Sleeping for ${ms}ms`);
// Function to be called when setTimeout finishes
const finish = () => {
// Resolve the promise
resolve(`Slept for ${ms}ms`);
// The actual sleep function, sleeps for ms then calls finish()
setTimeout(finish, ms);
// Initializes rpi-gpio, or resolves if not on a raspberry pi
init(gpio) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Write the current env vars to console
console.log('Environment variables:');
// Set up GPIO 4 (pysical pin 7) as output, then call functions.auger.ready()
if (process.env.ONPI == 'true') {
gpio.setup(7, gpio.DIR_OUT, (err) => {
if (err) reject(err);
// Resolve the promise
resolve('GPIO Initialized');
} else {
// Resolve the promise
resolve('GPIO Not Available');
// Export the above object, functions, as a module
module.exports = { functions };

View File

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
# Interactive script for managing Hestia Web Portal #
# Formatting Tips:
# Formatting:
# \e[1m - Bold
# \e[2m - Dim
# \e[8m - Hidden (passwords)
# Reset:
# \e[0m - Reset All Attributes
# \e[21m - Reset Bold/Bright
# \e[22m - Reset Dim
# \e[28m - Reset Hidden
# Colors:
# \e[39m - Default Foreground Color
# \e[30m - Black
# \e[31m - Red
# \e[32m - Green
# \e[34m - Blue
# Some initial variables to work with
timestamp=$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M")
# Initial Prompt
# Bash allows for linebreaks in string literals and will
# break lines accordingly in the shell
echo -e "
[ Hestia Control Panel ]
This script is being run from: '$(pwd)'
Active Nodes: $(ps ax -o pid,user,command | grep 'node main.js' | grep -v grep)
Please enter an option from below:
[1] Launch Hestia Web Portal
[2] Quit Hestia Web Portal
[3] View the logs
[4] Update Hestia
[5] Set up database
[0] Quit Control Panel"
# Wait for input
read -p "Option: " opt
# Execute the correct commands based on input.
case "$opt" in
# Launch Hestia Web Portal
echo "Launching Hestia Web Portal"
nohup node main.js > log.txt &
# Quit Hestia Web Portal
echo "Quitting Hestia Web Portal Gracefully"
touch quit
# View logs
less +F log.txt
# Update Hestia
rm data/config.db
git pull
# Set up database
node modules/_setupdb.js
# Exit the script
echo "Quitting..."
echo "Invalid Option!"
exec ./

View File

@ -1,91 +1,81 @@
const fn = require('./modules/functions.js').functions;
// Import the config file
var config = require('./templates/config.json');
// Database Functions
const dbfn = require('./modules/database.js');
// Web Portal
const portal = require('./modules/_server.js');
// Custom functions module to keep main script clean
const fn = require('./functions.js').functions;`UPDATE timestamps SET value = ${} WHERE key = 'process_start'`).catch(err => console.error(`Error setting process start time: ${err}`));
// Environment Variables Importing
const dotenv = require('dotenv').config();
fn.commands.refreshConfig().then(res => {
if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res.status}`);
config = res.config;
// Setup for use with the Pi's GPIO pins
switch (process.env.ONPI) {
case 'true':
console.log(`== Running on a Raspberry Pi.`);
var gpio = require('rpi-gpio');
fn.init(gpio).then((res) => {
console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res}`);
}).catch(rej => {
console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] E: Error during initialization: ${rej}`);
case 'false':
console.log(`I: Not running on a Raspberry Pi.`);
var gpio = 'gpio';
fn.init(gpio).then(res => {
console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res}`);
}).catch(rej => {
console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] E: Error during initialization: ${rej}`);
console.log(`[${ - config.timestamps.procStart}] E: Problem with ENV file.`);
if (process.env.ONPI == 'true') {
console.log('Running on a Raspberry Pi.');
const gpio = require('rpi-gpio');
fn.init(gpio).then((res, rej) => {
if (res != undefined) {
main(fn, gpio);
} else {
}).catch(rej => {
console.error(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] E: Problem refreshing the config: ${rej}`);
function main(gpio) {
// If the auger is enabled
if (config.status.auger == 1) {
// Run a cycle of the auger
fn.auger.cycle(gpio).then(res => {
if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res}`);
fn.checkForQuit().then(n => {
fn.commands.refreshConfig().then(res => {
if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res.status}`);
config = res.config;
// Recursion ecursion cursion ursion rsion sion ion on n
}).catch(rej => {
console.error(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] E: Problem refreshing the config: ${rej}`);
// Recursion ecursion cursion ursion rsion sion ion on n
}).catch(err => {
if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] E: ${err}`);
} else if (process.env.ONPI == 'false') {
console.log('Not running on a Raspberry Pi.');
const gpio = 'gpio';
fn.init(gpio).then((res, rej) => {
if (res != undefined) {
main(fn, gpio);
} else {
} else {
// If the auger is disabled
fn.commands.pause().then(res => {
fn.checkForQuit().then(n => {
fn.commands.refreshConfig().then(res => {
if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res.status}`);
config = res.config;
// Recursion ecursion cursion ursion rsion sion ion on n
}).catch(rej => {
console.error(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] E: Problem refreshing the config: ${rej}`);
// Recursion ecursion cursion ursion rsion sion ion on n
console.log('Problem with ENV file.');
// TODO Add logic for other sensors
// Main function, turns the auger on, sleeps for the time given in environment variables, then turns the auger off, sleeps, repeats.
async function main(fn, gpio) {
// Check for the existence of certain files
fn.files.check().then((res,rej) => {
// Log the result of the check if in debug mode
if (process.env.DEBUG == 'true') console.log('File Check: ' + res);
// Choose what to do depending on the result of the check
switch (res) {
case "pause":
// Pause the script
fn.commands.pause().then(() => {
// Rerun this function once the pause has finished
main(fn, gpio);
case "reload":
// Reload the environment variables
fn.commands.reload().then(() => {
// Rerun this function once the reload has finished
main(fn, gpio);
}).catch(err => {
if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] E: ${err}`);
// Recursion ecursion cursion ursion rsion sion ion on n
case "quit":
// Quit the script
case "none":
// If no special files are found, cycle the auger normally
fn.auger.cycle(gpio).then((res) => {
// Log the auger cycle results if in debug mode.
if (process.env.DEBUG == 'true') console.log(res);
// Rerun this function once the cycle is complete
main(fn, gpio);
// If we don't get a result from the file check, or for some reason it's an unexpected response, log it and quit the script.
console.error(`No result was received, something is wrong.\nres: ${res}`);

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
/* Pellet Stove Control Panel
* Web Configuration Server
* v0.0.0 by Skylar Grant
* TODOs:
* Implement Express to make it easier
* Add actual data into the responses
const express = require('express');
const http = require('http');
const fn = require('./functions.js').functions;
var config;
fn.commands.refreshConfig().then(newConfig => {
config = newConfig.config;
const { dbfn } = require('./functions.js');
const app = express();
const server = http.createServer(app);
// Our root directory for the public web files
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/../www/public'));
// Our directory for views used to render the pages
app.set('views', __dirname + '/../www/views');
// Set .html as the file extension for views
app.engine('html', require('ejs').renderFile);
app.set('view engine', 'html');
// A normal load of the root page
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
// if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${JSON.stringify(config)}`);
res.render('index', { config: JSON.stringify(config) });
// A POST form submission to the root page'/', (req, response) => {
if (req.body.start != undefined) {
fn.commands.refreshConfig().then(res => {
config = res.config;
response.render('index', { config: JSON.stringify(config) });
if (req.body.shutdown != undefined) {
fn.commands.refreshConfig().then(res => {
config = res.config;
response.render('index', { config: JSON.stringify(config) });
if (req.body.reload != undefined) {
const updateAugerOffIntervalQuery = `UPDATE intervals SET value = '${2000 - req.body.feedRate}' WHERE key = 'auger_off'`;
const updateAugerOnIntervalQuery = `UPDATE intervals SET value = '${req.body.feedRate}' WHERE key = 'auger_on'`; => {
if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: Auger off interval updated: ${}`); => {
if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: Auger on interval updated: ${}`);
fn.commands.refreshConfig().then(res => {
config = res.config;
response.render('index', { config: JSON.stringify(config) });
}).catch(err => console.log(`E: ${err}`));
}).catch(err => console.log(`E: ${err}`));
if (req.body.quit != undefined) {
fn.commands.refreshConfig().then(res => {
config = res.config;
response.render('index', { config: JSON.stringify(config) });
module.exports = {
start: () => {
server.listen(8080, "");

View File

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
const dbfn = require('../modules/database.js');
// Create `status` table
+ ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- +
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
+ ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- +
| key | varchar(100) | No | | | |
| value | varchar(1000) | No | | | |
+ ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- +
+ ------------------- +
| igniter |
| blower |
| auger |
| igniter_finished |
| shutdown_initiated |
| vacuum |
| proof_of_fire |
| shutdown_next_cycle |
+ ------------------- +
key varchar(100) NOT NULL,
value varchar(1000) NOT NULL
const createStatusTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS status (key varchar(100) NOT NULL,value varchar(1000) NOT NULL);"; => {
const statusEntries = {
igniter: 0,
blower: 0,
auger: 0,
igniter_finished: false,
shutdown_initiated: 0,
vacuum: 0,
proof_of_fire: 0,
shutdown_next_cycle: 0
for ( key in statusEntries ){
const insertStatusEntryQuery = `INSERT INTO status (key, value) VALUES ("${key}", "${statusEntries[key]}")`; => {
console.log(`${res.status}: ${}: ${} changes`);
}).catch(err => console.error(err));
const selectAllStatusEntriesQuery = "SELECT * FROM status";
dbfn.all(selectAllStatusEntriesQuery).then(res => {
}).catch(err => console.error(err));
}).catch(err => {
// Create `timestamps` table
+ ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- +
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
+ ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- +
| key | varchar(100) | No | | | |
| value | varchar(1000) | No | | | |
+ ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- +
+ ------------- +
| process_start |
| blower_on |
| blower_off |
| igniter_on |
| igniter_off |
+ ------------- +
key varchar(100) NOT NULL,
value varchar(1000) NOT NULL
const createTimestampsTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS timestamps (key varchar(100) NOT NULL,value varchar(1000) NOT NULL);"; => {
const timestampsEntries = {
process_start: 0,
blower_on: 0,
blower_off: 0,
igniter_on: 0,
igniter_off: 0
for ( key in timestampsEntries ){
const insertTimestampsEntryQuery = `INSERT INTO timestamps (key, value) VALUES ("${key}", "${timestampsEntries[key]}")`; => {
console.log(`${res.status}: ${}: ${} changes`);
}).catch(err => console.error(err));
const selectAllTimestampsEntriesQuery = "SELECT * FROM timestamps";
dbfn.all(selectAllTimestampsEntriesQuery).then(res => {
}).catch(err => console.error(err));
}).catch(err => {
// Create `intervals` table
+ ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- +
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
+ ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- +
| key | varchar(100) | No | | | |
| value | varchar(1000) | No | | | |
+ ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- +
+ ------------- +
| auger_on |
| auger_off |
| pause |
| igniter_start |
| blower_stop |
+ ------------- +
key varchar(100) NOT NULL,
value varchar(1000) NOT NULL
const createIntervalsTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS intervals (key varchar(100) NOT NULL,value varchar(1000) NOT NULL);"; => {
const intervalsEntries = {
auger_on: 600,
auger_off: 1400,
pause: 5000,
igniter_start: 420000,
blower_stop: 600000
for ( key in intervalsEntries ){
const insertIntervalsEntryQuery = `INSERT INTO intervals (key, value) VALUES ("${key}", "${intervalsEntries[key]}")`; => {
console.log(`${res.status}: ${}: ${} changes`);
}).catch(err => console.error(err));
const selectAllIntervalsEntriesQuery = "SELECT * FROM intervals";
dbfn.all(selectAllIntervalsEntriesQuery).then(res => {
}).catch(err => console.error(err));
}).catch(err => {
// Show the tables to confirm they were created properly:
dbfn.showTables().then(res => {
res.rows.forEach(row => {
console.log("Table: " + JSON.stringify(row));
}).catch(err => {

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
const db = new sqlite3.Database('./data/config.db', (err) => {
if (err) throw `E: DB Connection: ${err.message}`;
console.log(`I: Connected to the database.`);
module.exports = {
run(query) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
db.serialize(() => {, function(err) {
if (err) {
reject("Problem executing the query: " + err.message);
resolve( { "status": "Query executed successfully: " + query, "data": this });
all(query) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
db.serialize(() => {
db.all(query, (err, rows) => {
if (err) {
reject("Problem executing the query: " + err.message);
// [ { key: 'key_name', value: '0' }, { key: 'key_name', value: '0' } ]
let organizedRows = {};
rows.forEach(row => {
organizedRows[row.key] = row.value;
resolve({ "status": "Query executed successfully: " + query, "rows": organizedRows });
showTables() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
db.serialize(() => {
db.all("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'", (err, rows) => {
if (err) {
reject("Problem executing the query: " + err.message);
resolve({ "status": "Tables retreived successfully", "rows": rows });

View File

@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
// TODOs: Add tests for PoF and Vacuum switches, add delays for shutting down blower, test logic for igniter
// TODO: Move these to config
// Physical Pin numbers for GPIO
const augerPin = 7; // Pin for controlling the relay for the pellet auger motor.
// Require the package for pulling version numbers
const package = require('../package.json');
// Database Functions
const dbfn = require('./database.js');
// Get environment variables
const dotenv = require('dotenv').config();
// Module for working with files
const fs = require('fs');
const { exec } = require('child_process');
var config = require('../templates/config.json');
// The functions we'll export to be used in other files
const functions = {
auger: {
// Gets called once the Auger Pin has been setup by rpi-gpio
ready(err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Auger GPIO Ready');
// Turns the auger on (Pin 7 high)
on(gpio) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (process.env.ONPI == 'true') {
gpio.write(augerPin, true, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
resolve('Auger turned on.');
} else {
resolve('Simulated auger turned on.');
// Turns the auger off (pin 7 low)
off(gpio) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (process.env.ONPI == 'true') {
gpio.write(augerPin, false, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
resolve('Auger turned off.');
} else {
resolve('Simulated auger turned off.');
// Cycles the auger using the two functions above this one (functions.auger.on() and
// Sleeps in between cycles using functions.sleep()
cycle(gpio) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// Turn the auger on
this.on(gpio).then((res) => {
// Log action if in debug mode
// if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res}`);
// Sleep for the time set in env variables
functions.sleep(config.intervals.augerOn).then((res) => {
// Log action if in debug mode
// if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res}`);
// Turn the auger off => {
// Log action if in debug mode
// if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res}`);
// Sleep for the time set in env variables
functions.sleep(config.intervals.augerOff).then((res) => {
// Log action if in debug mode
// if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res}`);
// Resolve the promise, letting the main script know the cycle is complete
resolve(`Auger cycled (${config.intervals.augerOn}/${config.intervals.augerOff})`);
commands: {
// Prepare the stove for starting
startup() {
// Basic startup just enables the auger
const enableAugerQuery = "UPDATE status SET value = 1 WHERE key = 'auger'"; => {
console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart) / 1000}] I: Auger enabled.`);
}).catch(err => console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] E: ${err}`));
shutdown() {
// Basic shutdown only needs to disable the auger
const disableAugerQuery = "UPDATE status SET value = 0 WHERE key = 'auger'"; => {
if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res.status}`);
console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart) / 1000}] I: Auger disabled.`);
}).catch(err => console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] E: ${err}`));
// Pauses the script for the time defined in env variables
pause() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart) / 1000}] I: Pausing for ${config.intervals.pause}ms`);
functions.sleep(config.intervals.pause).then((res) => {
if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart) / 1000}] I: Pause finished.`);
// Reload the environment variables on the fly
reload(envs) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// Re-require dotenv because inheritance in js sucks
const dotenv = require('dotenv').config({ override: true });
// Delete the reload file
fs.unlink('./reload', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log('Deleted reload file.');
// Print out the new environment variables
// This should be printed regardless of debug status, maybe prettied up TODO?
console.log('Reloaded environment variables.');
// Resolve the promise, letting the main script know we're done reloading the variables and the cycle can continue
refreshConfig() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// When the reload button is pressed, the call to this function will contain new config values
// {
// augerOff: 500,
// augerOn: 1500,
// pause: 5000
// }
// if (newSettings != undefined) {
// config.intervals.augerOff = newSettings.augerOff;
// config.intervals.augerOn = newSettings.augerOn;
// console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: Intervals updated: (${newSettings.augerOn}/${newSettings.augerOff})`);
// }
// fs.writeFile('./config.json', JSON.stringify(config), (err) => {
// if (err) reject(err);
// resolve();
// });
// Get status
const selectStatusQuery = "SELECT * FROM status";
dbfn.all(selectStatusQuery).then(res => {
let { status } = config;
let { rows } = res;
status.auger = rows.auger;
status.blower = rows.blower;
status.igniter = rows.igniter;
status.igniterFinished = rows.igniter_finished;
status.pof = rows.proof_of_fire;
status.shutdownNextCycle = rows.shutdown_next_cycle;
status.vacuum = rows.vacuum;
// Get timestamps
const selectTimestampsQuery = "SELECT * FROM timestamps";
dbfn.all(selectTimestampsQuery).then(res => {
let { timestamps } = config;
let { rows } = res;
timestamps.blowerOff = rows.blower_off;
timestamps.blowerOn = rows.blower_on;
timestamps.igniterOff = rows.igniter_off;
timestamps.igniterOn = rows.igniter_on;
timestamps.procStart = rows.process_start;
// Get intervals
const selectIntervalsQuery = "SELECT * FROM intervals";
dbfn.all(selectIntervalsQuery).then(res => {
let { intervals } = config;
let { rows } = res;
intervals.augerOff = rows.auger_off;
intervals.augerOn = rows.auger_on;
intervals.blowerStop = rows.blower_stop;
intervals.igniterStart = rows.igniter_start;
intervals.pause = rows.pause;
resolve({ "status": "Refreshed the config", "config": config });
}).catch(err => {
}).catch(err => {
}).catch(err => {
quit() {
functions.commands.shutdown(); => {
console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart) / 1000}] I: Exiting app...`);
}).catch(err => {
console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart) / 1000}] E: Unable to shut off auger, rebooting Pi!`);
exec('shutdown -r 0');
// Sleeps for any given milliseconds
sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`Sleeping for ${ms}ms`);
// Function to be called when setTimeout finishes
const finish = () => {
// Resolve the promise
resolve(`Slept for ${ms}ms`);
// The actual sleep function, sleeps for ms then calls finish()
setTimeout(finish, ms);
// Initializes rpi-gpio, or resolves if not on a raspberry pi
init(gpio) {
fs.readFile('./templates/config.json', (err, data) => {
fs.writeFile('./config.json', data, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
config = require('../config.json');
// TODO this boot splash needs updating
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Boot/About/Info
console.log(`== Lennox Winslow PS40
== Pellet Stove Control Panel
== Author: Skylar Grant
== Version: v${package.version}
== Startup Time: ${new Date().toISOString()}
== Environment variables:
== == ONTIME=${config.intervals.augerOn}
== == OFFTIME=${config.intervals.augerOff}
== == PAUSETIME=${config.intervals.pause}
== == DEBUG=${process.env.DEBUG}
== == ONPI=${process.env.ONPI}`);
// Set up GPIO 4 (pysical pin 7) as output, then call functions.auger.ready()
if (process.env.ONPI == 'true') {
// Init the Auger pin
gpio.setup(augerPin, gpio.DIR_OUT, (err) => {
if (err) reject(err);
if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log('== Auger pin initialized.');
// Resolve the promise now that all pins have been initialized
resolve('== GPIO Initialized.');
} else {
// Resolve the promise
resolve('== GPIO Not Available');
checkForQuit() {
if (config.status.shutdownNextCycle == 1) {
console.log(`[${( - config.timestamps.procStart) / 1000}] I: Exiting Process!`);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (fs.existsSync('./quit')) {
fs.unlink('./quit', err => {
if (err) console.log('Error removing the quit file: ' + err);
config.status.shutdownNextCycle = 1;
config.status.auger = 0;
} else {
resolve('Not shutting down');
time(stamp) {
const time = new Date(stamp);
return `${time.getHours()}:${time.getMinutes()}:${time.getSeconds()}`;
// Export the above object, functions, as a module
module.exports = { functions, dbfn };

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
"name": "pscontrolpanel",
"version": "0.2.1",
"version": "0.1.0",
"requires": true,
"packages": {},
"dependencies": {
"body-parser": "^1.20.1",
"dotenv": "^16.0.3",
"ejs": "^3.1.8",
"express": "^4.18.2",
"rpi-gpio": "^2.1.7",
"sequelize": "^6.28.0",
"sqlite3": "^5.1.4"
"dotenv": "^16.0.3"

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
"status": {
"igniter": 0,
"blower": 0,
"auger": 0,
"igniterFinished": false,
"shutdown": 0,
"vacuum": 0,
"pof": 0,
"shutdownNextCycle": 0
"timestamps": {
"procStart": 0,
"blowerOn": 0,
"blowerOff": 0,
"igniterOn": 0,
"igniterOff": 0
"intervals": {
"augerOn": "600",
"augerOff": "1400",
"pause": "3000",
"igniterStart": "5000",
"blowerStop": "5000"
"web": {
"port": 8080,
"ip": ""

www/.DS_Store vendored

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 163 KiB

View File

@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
html, body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
background-color: #333;
color: aqua;
font-family: sans-serif;
#title {
text-align: center;
font-size: 35px;
margin-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 15px;
#title a {
text-decoration: none;
color: inherit;
#safeties {
text-align: center;
.controls-container {
text-align: center;
#buttons button {
margin: 20px 5px;
font-size: 20px;
width: 150px;
height: 30px;
.controls-container input {
margin: 5px;
.subheading {
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
#log-container {
text-align: center;
#log-area {
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
background-color: aqua;
color: aqua;
#trial {
color: yellow;
font-size: 20px;
background-color: red;
.button-container {
padding: 0;
margin-top: 20px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
text-align: center;
.btn {
background-color: #333;
color: aqua;
.button-selected {
margin: 5px;
border-width: 0px;
font-family: times;
font-size: 20px;
height: 35px;
width: 100px;
border-top-left-radius: 0px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;
border-top-right-radius: 0px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;
table {
margin: 0 auto;
color: aqua !important;
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid;
border-collapse: collapse;
padding: 3px;

View File

@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hestia Web Portal</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<!-- Bootstrap -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-GLhlTQ8iRABdZLl6O3oVMWSktQOp6b7In1Zl3/Jr59b6EGGoI1aFkw7cmDA6j6gD" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src="" integrity="sha384-w76AqPfDkMBDXo30jS1Sgez6pr3x5MlQ1ZAGC+nuZB+EYdgRZgiwxhTBTkF7CXvN" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/main.css">
<body onload="refreshData()" class="container">
// Get the config file
const config = <%- config %>;
console.log(<%- config %>);
<%- include('trial.html') -%>
<div id="title" class="text-center mb-4">
<a href='./'>Hestia Web Portal</a>
<div id="status" class="row">
| Auger | rows[0].cells[1] | On Time | rows[0].cells[3] |
| Feed Rate | rows[1].cells[1] | Off Time | rows[1].cells[3] |
<table id="status-table" class="table table-bordered col-sm-12 col-md-6">
<td>On Time</td>
<td>Feed Rate</td>
<td>Off Time</td>
<div class="controls-container">
<form action="/" method="post">
<!-- Start | Shutdown | Reload Settings -->
<div class="button-container d-flex justify-content-between">
<input class="btn btn-outline-secondary" type="submit" id="ignite" value="Enable Auger" name="start">
<input class="btn btn-outline-secondary" type="submit" id="shutdown" value="Disable Auger" name="shutdown">
<!-- Set feed rates -->
<div class="form-group">
<label for="feedRate">Feed Rate: </label>
<select name="feedRate" class="form-control" id="feed-rate-select">
<option value="600">Low</option>
<option value="800">Medium</option>
<option value="1000">High</option>
<div class="button-container d-flex justify-content-end">
<input class="btn btn-outline-secondary" type="submit" id="reload" value="Set Feed Rate" name="reload">
<!-- <div class="text-center my-4">
<img src="./dancing_jesus.gif" class="img-fluid">
</div> -->
<div class="controls-container">
<form action="/" method="POST">
<input class="btn btn-danger" type="submit" id="quit" value="Quit!!" name="quit" style="visibility: hidden;">
<!-- <script src="./main.js"></script> -->
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, ms);
function readJSON(path) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", path, false);
var JSONObj = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
return JSONObj;
function parseStatus(data) {
switch (data) {
case "0":
return "Off";
case "1":
return "On";
return "Error: " + data;
function refreshData() {
// const log = document.getElementById('log-area');
// log.contentWindow.location.reload();
// sleep(100).then(() => {
// document.getElementById('log-area').contentWindow.scrollTo(0, 9999999999);
// });
// Get the elements we need to update
const statusTable = document.getElementById('status-table');
const augerStatus = statusTable.rows[0].cells[1];
const augerOn = statusTable.rows[0].cells[3];
const augerOff = statusTable.rows[1].cells[3];
const feedRate = statusTable.rows[1].cells[1];
const feedRateSelect = document.getElementById('feed-rate-select');
// console.log(config);
augerStatus.innerHTML = parseStatus(config.status.auger);
augerOn.innerHTML = config.intervals.augerOn;
augerOff.innerHTML = config.intervals.augerOff;
switch (config.intervals.augerOn) {
case '600':
feedRate.innerHTML = 'Low';
feedRateSelect.selectedIndex = 0;
case '800':
feedRate.innerHTML = 'Medium';
feedRateSelect.selectedIndex = 1;
case '1000':
feedRate.innerHTML = 'High';
feedRateSelect.selectedIndex = 2;
feedRate.innerHTML = 'Unknown';
feedRate.value = config.intervals.augerOn;

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hestia Web Portal</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/main.css">
<body onload="refreshData()">
<%- include('trial.html') -%>
<div id="title"><a href='./'>Hestia Web Portal</a></div>
<div id="status">
| Auger | rows[0].cells[1] | On Time | rows[0].cells[3] |
| Feed Rate | rows[1].cells[1] | Off Time | rows[1].cells[3] |
<table id="status-table">
<td>On Time</td>
<td>Feed Rate</td>
<td>Off Time</td>
<div class="controls-container">
<form action="/" method="post">
<!-- Start | Shutdown | Reload Settings -->
<div class="button-container">
<input class="button-unselected" type="submit" id="ignite" value="Enable Auger" name="start"><input class="button-unselected" type="submit" id="shutdown" value="Disable Auger" name="shutdown"><br>
<!-- Set feed rates -->
<label for="feedRate">Feed Rate: </label>
<select name="feedRate">
<option value="600">Low</option>
<option value="800">Medium</option>
<option value="1000">High</option>
<div class="button-container">
<input class="button-unselected" type="submit" id="reload" value="Reload" name="reload">
<div class="button-container">
<img src="./dancing_jesus.gif">
<div id="log-container">
<iframe id="log-area" src="log.txt"></iframe>
<div class="controls-container">
<form action="/" method="POST">
<input class="button-unselected" type="submit" id="quit" value="Quit!!" name="quit" style="visibility: hidden;">
<script src="./main.js"></script>

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@