2023-06-06 19:37:36 -04:00

1134 lines
46 KiB
Executable File

/* eslint-disable comma-dangle */
// dotenv for handling environment variables
const dotenv = require('dotenv');
const isDev = process.env.DEBUG === "true";
const package = require('../package.json');
// filesystem
const fs = require('fs');
// Discord.js
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const { EmbedBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle } = Discord;
const { GuildInfo } = require('./CustomClasses');
// Various imports from other files
const config = require('../data/config.json');
const strings = require('../data/strings.json');
const slashCommandFiles = fs.readdirSync('./slash-commands/').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js'));
const dotCommandFiles = fs.readdirSync('./dot-commands/').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js'));
const dbfn = require('./dbfn.js');
const { finished } = require('stream');
const functions = {
// Functions for managing and creating Collections
collectionBuilders: {
// Create the collection of slash commands
slashCommands(client) {
if (!client.slashCommands) client.slashCommands = new Discord.Collection();
for (const file of slashCommandFiles) {
const slashCommand = require(`../slash-commands/${file}`);
if ( != undefined) {
client.slashCommands.set(, slashCommand);
if (isDev) console.log('Slash Commands Collection Built');
dotCommands(client) {
// If the dotCommands collection doesn't exist already, create it
if (!client.dotCommands) client.dotCommands = new Discord.Collection();
// Empty the dotcommands collection
// Iterate over each file within ./dot-commands that ends with .js
for (const file of dotCommandFiles) {
// Pull the file into a temporary variable
const dotCommand = require(`../dot-commands/${file}`);
// Create a new entry in the collection with the key of the command name, value of the command itself
client.dotCommands.set(, dotCommand);
// Old code from NodBot to implement aliases for dot commands. Unused as of 5/16/23
// if (Array.isArray(dotCommand.alias)) {
// dotCommand.alias.forEach(element => {
// client.dotCommands.set(element, dotCommand);
// });
// } else if (dotCommand.alias != undefined) {
// client.dotCommands.set(dotCommand.alias, dotCommand);
// }
if (isDev) console.log('Dot Commands Collection Built');
setvalidCommands(client) {
// Iterate over every entry in the dotCommands collection
for (const entry of => command)) {
// Add the command's name to the valid commands list for validation later
// Old code from NodBot to implement aliases for dot commands. Unused as of 5/16/23
// if (Array.isArray(entry.alias)) {
// entry.alias.forEach(element => {
// config.validCommands.push(element);
// });
// } else if (entry.alias != undefined) {
// config.validCommands.push(entry.alias);
// }
if (isDev) console.log(`Valid Commands Added to Config\n${config.validCommands}`);
async guildInfos(client) {
const guildInfos = await dbfn.getAllGuildInfos();
if (!client.guildInfos) client.guildInfos = new Discord.Collection();
for (const guildInfo of guildInfos) {
client.guildInfos.set(guildInfo.guildId, guildInfo);
return 'guildInfos Collection Built';
async messageCollectors(client) {
// Create an empty collection for MessageCollectors
if (!client.messageCollectors) client.messageCollectors = new Discord.Collection();
// Get all of the guild infos from the client
const { guildInfos, messageCollectors } = client;
// Iterate over each guild info
await guildInfos.forEach(async guildInfo => {
await functions.collectors.create(client, guildInfo).catch(async e => {
if (e === "ERRNOGUILD") {
guildInfo.setReminders(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, false);
const query = guildInfo.queryBuilder("setReminders");
await dbfn.setGuildInfo(query);
await functions.collectionBuilders.guildInfos(client);
console.log("Disabled notification relay for a guild I'm no longer in: " + guildInfo.guildId);
} else {
throw e;
builders: {
actionRows: {
reminderActionRow() {
const deleteButton = new ButtonBuilder()
const actionRow = new ActionRowBuilder()
return actionRow;
comparisonActionRow(guildInfo) {
// console.log(guildInfo);
// Create the button to go in the Action Row
const refreshButton = new ButtonBuilder()
// Create the Action Row with the Button in it, to be sent with the Embed
let refreshActionRow = new ActionRowBuilder()
return refreshActionRow;
treeRoleMenu(fruit) {
let actionRow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(this.buttons.waterPing());
if (fruit) {
return actionRow;
buttons: {
acceptRules() {
return new ButtonBuilder()
.setLabel(`${strings.emoji.confirm} Accept Rules`)
waterPing() {
return new ButtonBuilder()
fruitPing() {
return new ButtonBuilder()
embeds: {
treeRoleMenu(guildInfo) {
const actionRow = == "" ? false : true);
let tempStrings = strings.embeds.treeRoleMenu;
let description = tempStrings[0] + tempStrings[1] + `<@&${guildInfo.waterRoleId}>` + tempStrings[2];
if (guildInfo.fruitRoleId != "") {
description += tempStrings[3] + `<@&${guildInfo.fruitRoleId}>` + tempStrings[4];
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setFooter({ text: strings.embeds.roleMenuFooter });
return { embeds: [embed], components: [actionRow] };
information(content, fields) {
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setFooter({ text: `v${package.version} - ${strings.embeds.footer}` });
if (fields) embed.addFields(fields);
const messageContents = { embeds: [embed], ephemeral: true };
return messageContents;
comparisonEmbed(content, guildInfo) {
// Create the embed using the content passed to this function
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle('Tallest Trees Comparison')
.setFooter({ text: `v${package.version} - ${strings.embeds.footer}` });
const messageContents = { embeds: [embed], components: [this.actionRows.comparisonActionRow(guildInfo)] };
return messageContents;
waterReminderEmbed(content, guildInfo) {
// Create the embed using the content passed to this function
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setDescription(`[Click here to go to your Tree](${guildInfo.guildId}/${guildInfo.treeChannelId}/${guildInfo.treeMessageId})`)
.setFooter({ text: `Click ♻️ to delete this message` });
const messageContents = { content: content, embeds: [embed], components: [this.actionRows.reminderActionRow()] };
return messageContents;
fruitReminderEmbed(content, guildInfo) {
// Create the embed using the content passed to this function
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setDescription(`[Click here to go to your Tree](${guildInfo.guildId}/${guildInfo.treeChannelId}/${guildInfo.treeMessageId})`)
.setFooter({ text: `Click ♻️ to delete this message` });
const messageContents = { content: content, embeds: [embed], components: [this.actionRows.reminderActionRow()] };
return messageContents;
helpEmbed(content, private) {
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setFooter({ text: `v${package.version} - ${strings.embeds.footer}` });
const privateBool = private == 'true';
const messageContents = { embeds: [embed], ephemeral: privateBool };
return messageContents;
errorEmbed(content) {
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setFooter({ text: `v${package.version} - ${strings.embeds.footer}` });
const messageContents = { embeds: [embed], ephemeral: true };
return messageContents;
embed(content) {
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setFooter({ text: `v${package.version} - ${strings.embeds.footer}` });
const messageContents = { embeds: [embed], ephemeral: true };
return messageContents;
dotCommands: {
getCommandData(message) {
const commandData = {};
// Split the message content at the final instance of a period
const finalPeriod = message.content.lastIndexOf('.');
// if(isDev) console.log(message.content);
// If the final period is the last character, or doesn't exist
if (finalPeriod < 0) {
// if (isDev) console.log(finalPeriod);
commandData.isCommand = false;
return commandData;
commandData.isCommand = true;
// Get the first part of the message, everything leading up to the final period
commandData.args = message.content.slice(0, finalPeriod).toLowerCase();
// Get the last part of the message, everything after the final period
commandData.command = message.content.slice(finalPeriod).replace('.', '').toLowerCase(); = `${}#${}`;
return this.checkCommand(commandData);
checkCommand(commandData) {
if (commandData.isCommand) {
const validCommands = require('../data/config.json').validCommands;
commandData.isValid = validCommands.includes(commandData.command);
// Add exceptions for messages that contain only a link
if (commandData.args.startsWith('http')) commandData.isValid = false;
else {
commandData.isValid = false;
console.error('Somehow a non-command made it to checkCommands()');
return commandData;
checkPermissions(type, userId) {
if (type === "devTeam") {
const { devTeamIds } = config;
let matchFound = false;
for (let i = 0; i < devTeamIds.length; i++) {
if (userId === devTeamIds[i]) matchFound = true;
return matchFound;
} else if (type === "owner") {
return config.ownerId === userId;
rankings: {
parse(interaction, guildInfo) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (guildInfo.guildId == "") {
if (guildInfo.leaderboardMessageId != undefined) {
interaction.guild.channels.fetch(guildInfo.leaderboardChannelId).then(c => {
c.messages.fetch(guildInfo.leaderboardMessageId).then(leaderboardMessage => {
if ((leaderboardMessage.embeds.length == 0) || (leaderboardMessage.embeds[0].data.title != 'Tallest Trees')) {
reject("This doesn't appear to be a valid ``/top trees`` message.");
let lines = leaderboardMessage.embeds[0].data.description.split('\n');
let leaderboard = {
"guildId": interaction.guildId,
"entries": []
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Breakdown each line separating it on each -
let breakdown = lines[i].split(' - ');
// Check if the first part, the ranking, has these emojis to detect first second and third place
if (breakdown[0].includes('🥇')) {
breakdown[0] = '``#1 ``'
} else if (breakdown[0].includes('🥈')) {
breakdown[0] = '``#2 ``'
} else if (breakdown[0].includes('🥉')) {
breakdown[0] = '``#3 ``'
// Clean off the excess and get just the number from the rank, make sure it's an int not string
let trimmedRank = parseInt(breakdown[0].slice(breakdown[0].indexOf('#') + 1, breakdown[0].lastIndexOf('``')));
// Clean off the excess and get just the tree name
let trimmedName = breakdown[1].slice(breakdown[1].indexOf('``') + 2);
trimmedName = trimmedName.slice(0, trimmedName.indexOf('``'));
// Clean off the excess and get just the tree height, make sure it's a 1 decimal float
let trimmedHeight = parseFloat(breakdown[2].slice(0, breakdown[2].indexOf('ft'))).toFixed(1);
let isMyTree = false;
let isMaybeMyTree = false;
if (breakdown[2].includes('📍')) isMyTree = true;
if (breakdown[1].includes(guildInfo.treeName)) maybeMyTree = true;
// "entries": [ { "treeHeight": 12, "treeRank": 34, "treeName": "name" }, ] }
treeRank: trimmedRank,
treeName: trimmedName,
treeHeight: trimmedHeight,
hasPin: isMyTree
dbfn.uploadLeaderboard(leaderboard).then(res => {
}).catch(err => {
}).catch(err => {
// console.error(err);
}).catch(err => {
} else {
reject("The leaderboardMessageId is undefined somehow");
async compare(guildInfo) {
try {
const getLeaderboardResponse = await dbfn.getLeaderboard(guildInfo.guildId);
const leaderboard =; // [ { treeName: "Name", treeHeight: 1234.5, treeRank: 67 }, {...}, {...} ]
// Prepare the beginning of the comparison message
let comparisonReplyString = `Here\'s how your tree compares: \nCurrent Tree Height: ${guildInfo.treeHeight}ft\n\n`;
// Iterate over the leaderboard entries, backwards
for (let i = leaderboard.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const leaderboardEntry = leaderboard[i];
// Setup the status indicator, default to blank, we'll change it later
let statusIndicator = "";
if ((leaderboardEntry.treeHeight % 1).toFixed(1) > 0) statusIndicator += "``[💧]``";
// Get the data for this tree from 24 hours ago
// const get24hTreeResponse = await dbfn.get24hTree(interaction.guildId, leaderboardEntry.treeName);
// const dayAgoTree =;
// const hist24hDifference = (leaderboardEntry.treeHeight - dayAgoTree.treeHeight).toFixed(1);
// statusIndicator += `+${hist24hDifference}ft|`
// Get the 24h watering time for this tree
// const totalWaterTime = await functions.timeToHeight(dayAgoTree.treeHeight, leaderboardEntry.treeHeight);
// statusIndicator += `${totalWaterTime}]\`\``;
// Determine if this tree is the guild's tree
if (leaderboardEntry.hasPin) {
comparisonReplyString += `#${leaderboardEntry.treeRank} - This is your tree`;
} else { // If it's another guild's tree
// Calculate the current height difference
const currentHeightDifference = guildInfo.treeHeight - leaderboardEntry.treeHeight;
if (currentHeightDifference > 0) { // Guild Tree is taller than the leaderboard tree
comparisonReplyString += `#${leaderboardEntry.treeRank} - ${currentHeightDifference.toFixed(1)}ft taller`;
} else {
comparisonReplyString += `#${leaderboardEntry.treeRank} - ${Math.abs(currentHeightDifference).toFixed(1)}ft shorter`;
// Build a string using the current leaderboard entry and the historic entry from 24 hours ago
comparisonReplyString += `${statusIndicator}\n`;
// if (process.env.isDev == 'true') comparisonReplyString += `Current Height: ${leaderboardEntry.treeHeight} 24h Ago Height: ${dayAgoTree.treeHeight}\n`;
return comparisonReplyString;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
tree: {
parse(interaction, guildInfo) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (guildInfo == undefined) {
reject(`The guild entry hasn't been created yet. [${interaction.guildId || interaction.commandGuildId}]`);
if (guildInfo.treeMessageId != "Run /setup where your tree is.") {
interaction.guild.channels.fetch(guildInfo.treeChannelId).then(c => {
c.messages.fetch(guildInfo.treeMessageId).then(m => {
if ((m.embeds.length == 0) || !(m.embeds[0].data.description.includes('Your tree is'))) {
reject("This doesn't appear to be a valid ``/tree`` message.");
let input;
input = m.embeds[0].data.description;
let treeName = m.embeds[0].data.title;
let lines = input.split('\n');
guildInfo.treeHeight = parseFloat(lines[0].slice(lines[0].indexOf('is') + 3, lines[0].indexOf('ft'))).toFixed(1);
guildInfo.treeName = treeName;
dbfn.setTreeInfo(guildInfo).then(res => {
resolve("The reference tree message has been saved/updated.");
}).catch(err => {
// console.error(err);
}).catch(err => {
} else {
console.error('treeMessageId undefined');
reject("There was an unknown error while setting the tree message.");
messages: {
async find(interaction, guildInfo) {
try {
let response = { status: "Incomplete", data: undefined, code: 0 };
// If the tree channel ID and leaderboard channel ID are both set
if (guildInfo.treeChannelId != "" || guildInfo.leaderboardChannelId != "") {
// If one us unset, we'll set it to the current channel just to check
if (guildInfo.treeChannelId == "") {
guildInfo.treeChannelId = `${guildInfo.leaderboardChannelId}`;
} else if (guildInfo.leaderboardChannelId == "") {
guildInfo.leaderboardChannelId = `${guildInfo.treeChannelId}`;
let treeFound, leaderboardFound = false;
// If these values have already been set in the database, we don't want to report that they weren't found
// they'll still get updated later if applicable.
treeFound = (guildInfo.treeMessageId != "");
leaderboardFound = (guildInfo.leaderboardMessageId != "");
// If the Tree and Leaderboard messages are in the same channel
if (guildInfo.treeChannelId == guildInfo.leaderboardChannelId) {
// Fetch the tree channel so we can get the most recent messages
const treeChannel = await interaction.guild.channels.fetch(guildInfo.treeChannelId);
// Fetch the last 20 messages in the channel
const treeChannelMessageCollection = await treeChannel.messages.fetch({ limit: 20 });
// Create a basic array of [Message, Message, ...] from the Collection
const treeChannelMessages = Array.from(treeChannelMessageCollection.values());
// Iterate over the Messages in reverse order (newest messages first)
for (let i = treeChannelMessages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let treeChannelMessage = treeChannelMessages[i];
if (this.isTree(treeChannelMessage)) { // This is a tree message
// Set the tree message ID
guildInfo.treeMessageId =;
// Parse out the tree name
input = treeChannelMessage.embeds[0].data.description;
let treeName = treeChannelMessage.embeds[0].data.title;
// And tree height
let lines = input.split('\n');
guildInfo.treeHeight = parseFloat(lines[0].slice(lines[0].indexOf('is') + 3, lines[0].indexOf('ft'))).toFixed(1);
guildInfo.treeName = treeName;
// Upload the found messages to the database
await dbfn.setTreeInfo(guildInfo);
// Let the end of the function know we found a tree message and successfully uploaded it
treeFound = true;
} else if (this.isLeaderboard(treeChannelMessage)) { // This is a leaderboard message
// Set the leaderboard message ID
guildInfo.leaderboardMessageId =;
// Upload it to the database
await dbfn.setLeaderboardInfo(guildInfo);
// Let the end of the function know we found a leaderboard message and successfully uploaded it
leaderboardFound = true;
} else { // If the tree and leaderboard are in different channels
// Fetch the tree channel so we can get the most recent messages
const treeChannel = await interaction.guild.channels.fetch(guildInfo.treeChannelId);
// Fetch the last 20 messages in the tree channel
const treeChannelMessageCollection = await treeChannel.messages.fetch({ limit: 20 });
// Create an Array like [Message, Message, ...] from the Collection
const treeChannelMessages = Array.from(treeChannelMessageCollection.values());
// Iterate over the Array of Messages in reverse order (newest messages first)
for (let i = treeChannelMessages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let treeChannelMessage = treeChannelMessages[i];
if (this.isTree(treeChannelMessage)) { // This is a tree message
// Set the tree message ID
guildInfo.treeMessageId =;
// Parse out the tree name
input = treeChannelMessage.embeds[0].data.description;
let treeName = treeChannelMessage.embeds[0].data.title;
// And tree height
let lines = input.split('\n');
guildInfo.treeHeight = parseFloat(lines[0].slice(lines[0].indexOf('is') + 3, lines[0].indexOf('ft'))).toFixed(1);
guildInfo.treeName = treeName;
// Upload the found messages to the database
await dbfn.setTreeInfo(guildInfo);
// Let the end of the function know we found a tree message and successfully uploaded it
treeFound = true;
// Fetch the tree channel so we can get the most recent messages
const leaderboardChannel = await interaction.guild.channels.fetch(guildInfo.leaderboardChannelId);
// Fetch the last 20 messages in the leaderboard channel
const leaderboardChannelMessageCollection = await leaderboardChannel.messages.fetch({ limit: 20 });
// Create an Array like [Message, Message, ...] from the Collection
const leaderboardChannelMessages = Array.from(leaderboardChannelMessageCollection.values());
// Iterate over the Array of Messages in reverse order (newest messages first)
for (let i = leaderboardChannelMessages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let leaderboardChannelMessage = leaderboardChannelMessages[i];
if (this.isLeaderboard(leaderboardChannelMessage)) { // This is a leaderboard message
// Set the leaderboard message ID
guildInfo.leaderboardMessageId =;
// Upload it to the database
await dbfn.setLeaderboardInfo(guildInfo);
// Let the end of the function know we've found a leaderboard
leaderboardFound = true;
// await dbfn.setGuildInfo(guildInfo);
// Bundle guildInfo into the response
// const getGuildInfoResponse = await dbfn.getGuildInfo(guildInfo.guildId);
await functions.collectionBuilders.guildInfos(interaction.client); = interaction.client.guildInfos.get(guildInfo.guildId);
// Set the response status, this is only used as a response to /setup
if (treeFound && leaderboardFound) { // we found both the tree and leaderboard
response.status = strings.status.treeAndLeaderboard;
response.code = 1;
} else if (treeFound || leaderboardFound) { // Only found the tree
response.status = strings.status.missingMessage;
response.code = 2;
} else { // Didn't find any
response.status = strings.status.noneFound;
response.code = 3;
return response;
} else { // This should only ever occur if some weird database stuff happens
response.status = "It looks like this channel doesn't contain both your ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` messages, please run ``/setup``";
return response;
} catch (err) {
throw "Problem checking messages: " + err;
isTree(message) {
if (message.embeds.length > 0) {
// Grab the description and title
const { description, title } = message.embeds[0].data;
// Make sure it's a tree message
if (description.includes("Your tree is")) {
// Grab the name
const treeName = title;
// Grab the tree's height
const indices = [description.indexOf("Your tree is ") + 13, description.indexOf("ft")];
const treeHeightStr = description.slice(indices[0], indices[1]);
const treeHeightFloat = parseFloat(treeHeightStr).toFixed(1);
// Return the info gathered
return {
treeName: treeName,
treeHeight: treeHeightFloat
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
// Checks if a message is a leaderboard message, and returns the entries if it is
isLeaderboard(message) {
if (message.embeds.length > 0) {
// Grab the description and title from the embed
const { title, description } = message.embeds[0].data;
// Check that it's a Top Trees message
if (title == "Tallest Trees") {
// Break the description into an array of each line
const lines = description.split("\n");
const leaderboard = {
guildId: message.guildId,
entries: []
lines.forEach(line => {
// Skeleton entry:
const entry = {
treeRank: 0,
treeName: "",
treeHeight: 0,
hasPin: 0
// Break the line into parts separated by a hyphen -
// DO NOT USE this, it breaks when any tree name contains " - " which
// isn't uncommon apparently
// const parts = line.split(" - ");
// Instead, find the indices of the first and last instances of " - "
const hyphenIndices = [line.indexOf(" - "), line.lastIndexOf(" - ")];
const parts = [
line.slice(0, hyphenIndices[0]),
line.slice(hyphenIndices[0] + 3, hyphenIndices[1]),
line.slice(hyphenIndices[1] + 3, line.length)
// Grab the rank
// Preset the indices to split the lines to get the data
const rankIndices = [parts[0].indexOf("#") + 1, parts[0].lastIndexOf("``")];
const nameIndices = [parts[1].indexOf("``") + 2, parts[1].lastIndexOf("``")];
const heightIndices = [0, parts[2].lastIndexOf("ft")];
// Set the data from the parts using the indices
entry.treeRank = parts[0].slice(...rankIndices);
entry.treeName = parts[1].slice(...nameIndices);
entry.treeHeight = parts[2].slice(...heightIndices);
// Go back and check for the first 3 as they use emojis instead of numbers, this will overwrite above
if (line.includes("🥇")) entry.treeRank = 1;
if (line.includes("🥈")) entry.treeRank = 2;
if (line.includes("🥉")) entry.treeRank = 3;
// Check for the pin showing ownership
if (line.includes("📍")) entry.hasPin = 1;
// Add the entry to the array
return leaderboard;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
async updateHandler(message) {
if (message.partial) {
message = await message.fetch().catch(e => {
throw e;
// Make sure the message is from Grow A Tree
if ( != strings.ids.growATree) return;
// Check and store the message types
const isLeaderboard = this.isLeaderboard(message);
const isTree = this.isTree(message);
// Check if the message is a leaderboard
if (isLeaderboard) {
if (isDev) console.log(`LU: ${}`);
let guildInfo;
let doDbUpdate = false;
if (message.client.guildInfos.has(message.guildId)) {
guildInfo = message.client.guildInfos.get(message.guildId);
if ((guildInfo.leaderboardChannelId != || (guildInfo.leaderboardMessageId != {
doDbUpdate = true;
} else {
guildInfo = new GuildInfo().setId(message.guildId)
doDbUpdate = true;
if (doDbUpdate) {
const query = guildInfo.queryBuilder("setLeaderboardMessage");
await dbfn.setGuildInfo(query);
await functions.collectionBuilders.guildInfos(message.client);
await dbfn.uploadLeaderboard(isLeaderboard);
// Update the comparison message
// Check for valid message IDs
if (guildInfo.treeMessageId === "") throw strings.error.noTreeMessage;
if (guildInfo.leaderboardMessageId === "") throw strings.error.noLeaderboardMessage;
if (guildInfo.compareMessageId === "") throw strings.error.noCompareMessage;
// Fetch the messages
const { guild } = message;
// Tree
const treeChannel = await guild.channels.fetch(guildInfo.treeChannelId);
const treeMessage = await treeChannel.messages.fetch(guildInfo.treeMessageId);
// Leaderboard
const leaderboardChannel = await guild.channels.fetch(guildInfo.leaderboardChannelId);
const leaderboardMessage = await leaderboardChannel.messages.fetch(guildInfo.leaderboardMessageId);
// Comparison
const compareChannel = await guild.channels.fetch(guildInfo.compareChannelId);
const compareMessage = await compareChannel.messages.fetch(guildInfo.compareMessageId);
// Update the tree information
// Make sure we have a tree message and parse it
const isTree = this.isTree(treeMessage);
if (!isTree) throw "Tree message isn't actually a tree message!";
guildInfo.setTreeInfo(isTree.treeName, isTree.treeHeight);
// Grab the leaderboard
// Make sure it's a leaderboard and parse it
// const isLeaderboard = this.messages.isLeaderboard(leaderboardMessage);
// if (!isLeaderboard) throw "Leaderboard message isn't actually a leaderboard message!";
// Upload the leaderboard
// await dbfn.uploadLeaderboard(isLeaderboard);
// Build the string that shows the comparison // TODO Move the string building section to
const comparedRankings = await;
const embed =, guildInfo);
await compareMessage.edit(embed).catch(e => console.error(e));
} else if (isTree) {
// Check if the message is a tree
// if (isDev) console.log(`TU: ${isTree.treeName}: ${isTree.treeHeight}ft`);
let guildInfo;
let doDbUpdate = false;
if (message.client.guildInfos.has(message.guildId)) {
guildInfo = message.client.guildInfos.get(message.guildId);
if ((guildInfo.treeName != isTree.treeName) || (guildInfo.treeHeight != isTree.treeHeight)) {
guildInfo.setTreeInfo(isTree.treeName, isTree.treeHeight,,;
doDbUpdate = true;
} else {
guildInfo = new GuildInfo().setId(message.guildId)
.setTreeInfo(isTree.treeName, isTree.treeHeight,,;
doDbUpdate = true;
if (doDbUpdate) {
const query = guildInfo.queryBuilder("setTreeInfo");
await dbfn.setGuildInfo(query);
await functions.collectionBuilders.guildInfos(message.client);
buttonHandlers: {
async fruitPing(interaction) {
if (interaction.client.guildInfos.has(interaction.guildId)) {
let guildInfo = interaction.client.guildInfos.get(interaction.guildId);
let status = "No Changes Made";
let errorFlag = false;
const role = await functions.roles.fetchRole(interaction.guild, guildInfo.fruitRoleId).catch(e => {
errorFlag = true;
status = strings.error.noFetchRole;
if (interaction.member.roles.cache.some(role => == guildInfo.fruitRoleId)) {
await functions.roles.takeRole(interaction.member, role).catch(e => {
errorFlag = true;
status = strings.error.noTakeRole;
if (!errorFlag) status = strings.error.yesTakeRole;
} else {
await functions.roles.giveRole(interaction.member, role).catch(e => {
errorFlag = true;
status = strings.error.noGiveRole;
if (!errorFlag) status = strings.error.yesGiveRole;
} else {
throw "Guild doesn't exist in database!";
async waterPing(interaction) {
if (interaction.client.guildInfos.has(interaction.guildId)) {
let guildInfo = interaction.client.guildInfos.get(interaction.guildId);
let status = "No Changes Made";
let errorFlag = false;
const role = await functions.roles.fetchRole(interaction.guild, guildInfo.waterRoleId).catch(e => {
errorFlag = true;
status = strings.error.noFetchRole;
if (interaction.member.roles.cache.some(role => == guildInfo.waterRoleId)) {
await functions.roles.takeRole(interaction.member, role).catch(e => {
errorFlag = true;
status = strings.error.noTakeRole;
if (!errorFlag) status = strings.error.yesTakeRole;
} else {
await functions.roles.giveRole(interaction.member, role).catch(e => {
errorFlag = true;
status = strings.error.noGiveRole;
if (!errorFlag) status = strings.error.yesGiveRole;
} else {
throw "Guild doesn't exist in database!";
roles: {
async fetchRole(guild, roleId) {
return await guild.roles.fetch(roleId);
async giveRole(member, role) {
await member.roles.add(role);
async takeRole(member, role) {
await member.roles.remove(role);
collectors: {
async create(client, guildInfo) {
// If a collector is already setup
if (client.messageCollectors.has(guildInfo.guildId)) {
// Close the collector
await this.end(client, guildInfo);
// Make sure guildInfo is what we expect, the watch channel isnt blank, and notifications are enabled
if ((guildInfo instanceof GuildInfo && guildInfo.watchChannelId != "") && (guildInfo.notificationsEnabled == true)) {
// Fetch the Guild
const guild = await client.guilds.fetch(guildInfo.guildId).catch(e => {
// Fetch the Channel
const channel = await guild.channels.fetch(guildInfo.watchChannelId);
// Create the filter function
const filter = message => {
// Discard any messages sent by Silvanus
return != process.env.BOTID;
// Create the collector
const collector = channel.createMessageCollector({ filter });
// Add the collector to the messageCollectors Collection
client.messageCollectors.set(guildInfo.guildId, collector);
// if (isDev) console.log("Set up a collector in " + guildInfo.guildId);
collector.on('collect', message => {
// if (isDev) console.log("Collected a message in " +;
if ( === "1113951253949599844") console.log(JSON.stringify(message));
// Check for manual relay use with "water ping" and "fruit ping"
if (message.content.toLowerCase().includes("water ping")) {
functions.sendWaterReminder(guildInfo, guildInfo.waterMessage, guildInfo.reminderChannelId, guild);
} else if (message.content.toLowerCase().includes("fruit ping")) {
functions.sendFruitReminder(guildInfo, guildInfo.fruitMessage, guildInfo.reminderChannelId, guild);
// If the message doesn't contain an embed, we can ignore it
if (message.embeds == undefined) return;
if (message.embeds.length == 0) return;
// console.log(JSON.stringify(message.embeds[0].data));
if (message.embeds[0].data.description == undefined) return;
// Check the description field of the embed to determine if it matches Grow A Tree's notification texts
if (message.embeds[0].data.description.includes(strings.notifications.water)) {
functions.sendWaterReminder(guildInfo, guildInfo.waterMessage, guildInfo.reminderChannelId, guild);
} else if (message.embeds[0].data.description.includes(strings.notifications.fruit)) {
functions.sendFruitReminder(guildInfo, guildInfo.fruitMessage, guildInfo.reminderChannelId, guild);
async end(client, guildInfo) {
if (!client.messageCollectors) throw "No Message Collectors";
if (!client.messageCollectors.has(guildInfo.guildId)) throw "Guild doesn't have a Message Collector";
const collector = client.messageCollectors.get(guildInfo.guildId);
// Close the collector
await collector.stop();
// Remove the collector from the messageCollectors Collection
async refresh(interaction) {
if (interaction.client.guildInfos.has(interaction.guildId)) {
let guildInfo = interaction.client.guildInfos.get(interaction.guildId);
// Check for valid message IDs
if (guildInfo.treeMessageId === "") throw strings.error.noTreeMessage;
if (guildInfo.leaderboardMessageId === "") throw strings.error.noLeaderboardMessage;
// Fetch the messages
const { guild } = interaction;
// Tree
const treeChannel = await guild.channels.fetch(guildInfo.treeChannelId);
const treeMessage = await treeChannel.messages.fetch(guildInfo.treeMessageId);
// Leaderboard
const leaderboardChannel = await guild.channels.fetch(guildInfo.leaderboardChannelId);
const leaderboardMessage = await leaderboardChannel.messages.fetch(guildInfo.leaderboardMessageId);
// Update the comparison message information
const query = guildInfo.queryBuilder("setCompareMessage");
await dbfn.setGuildInfo(query);
// Update the tree information
// Make sure we have a tree message and parse it
const isTree = this.messages.isTree(treeMessage);
if (!isTree) throw "Tree message isn't actually a tree message!";
guildInfo.setTreeInfo(isTree.treeName, isTree.treeHeight);
// Grab the leaderboard
// Make sure it's a leaderboard and parse it
const isLeaderboard = this.messages.isLeaderboard(leaderboardMessage);
if (!isLeaderboard) throw "Leaderboard message isn't actually a leaderboard message!";
// Upload the leaderboard
await dbfn.uploadLeaderboard(isLeaderboard);
// Build the string that shows the comparison // TODO Move the string building section to
const comparedRankings = await;
const embed =, guildInfo);
await interaction.update(embed).catch(e => console.error(e));
} else {
throw "Guild doesn't exist in database!";
reset(interaction) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
dbfn.deleteGuildInfo(interaction.guildId).then(res => {
}).catch(err => {
getWaterTime(size) {
return Math.floor(Math.pow(size * 0.07 + 5, 1.1)); // Seconds
parseWaterTime(seconds) {
// 60 secs in min
// 3600 secs in hr
// 86400 sec in day
let waterParts = {
value: seconds,
units: "secs"
if (60 < seconds && seconds <= 3600) { // Minutes
waterParts.value = parseFloat(seconds / 60).toFixed(1);
waterParts.units = "mins";
} else if (3600 < seconds && seconds <= 86400) {
waterParts.value = parseFloat(seconds / 3600).toFixed(1);
waterParts.units = "hrs";
} else if (86400 < seconds) {
waterParts.value = parseFloat(seconds / 86400).toFixed(1);
waterParts.units = "days";
return `${waterParts.value} ${waterParts.units}`;
timeToHeight(beginHeight, destHeight, efficiency, quality) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let time = 0;
let oldTime = 0;
let compostAppliedCount = 0;
let totalWaterCount = 0;
if ((efficiency) && (quality)) {
for (let i = beginHeight; i < destHeight; i++) {
const randNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
const compostApplied = randNum <= efficiency;
if (compostApplied) {
let qualityPercent = quality / 100;
let waterTime = functions.getWaterTime(i);
let reductionTime = waterTime * qualityPercent;
let finalTime = waterTime - reductionTime;
time += parseFloat(finalTime);
oldTime += waterTime;
} else {
let waterTime = parseFloat(functions.getWaterTime(i));
time += waterTime;
oldTime += waterTime;
} else {
for (let i = beginHeight; i < destHeight; i++) {
const waterTime = parseFloat(functions.getWaterTime(i));
// console.log("Height: " + i + "Time: " + waterTime);
time += waterTime;
const readableWaterTime = this.parseWaterTime(time);
const savedTime = this.parseWaterTime(oldTime - time);
time: readableWaterTime,
totalWaterCount: totalWaterCount ? totalWaterCount : undefined,
compostAppliedCount: compostAppliedCount ? compostAppliedCount : undefined,
average: totalWaterCount ? parseFloat((compostAppliedCount / totalWaterCount) * 100).toFixed(1) : undefined,
savedTime: savedTime
sleep(ms) {
// console.log(`Begin Sleep: ${new Date(}`);
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(function () {
// console.log(`End Sleep: ${new Date(}`);
}, ms);
async sendWaterReminder(guildInfo, message, channelId, guild) {
const reminderChannel = await guild.channels.fetch(channelId);
const reminderEmbed =, guildInfo);
if (isDev) console.log(`WR: ${}: ${guildInfo.treeName}`);
await reminderChannel.send(reminderEmbed).then(async m => {
if (!m.deletable) return;
await this.sleep(500).then(async () => {
await m.delete().catch(e => console.error(e));
}).catch(err => {
async sendFruitReminder(guildInfo, message, channelId, guild) {
const reminderChannel = await guild.channels.fetch(channelId);
const reminderEmbed =, guildInfo);
if (isDev) console.log(`FR: ${}: ${guildInfo.treeName}`);
await reminderChannel.send(reminderEmbed).then(async m => {
if (!m.deletable) return;
await this.sleep(500).then(async () => {
await m.delete().catch(e => console.error(e));
}).catch(err => {
async setupCollectors(client) {
let guildInfos = client.guildInfos;
let collectorsArray = [];
await guildInfos.forEach(async guildInfo => {
if (guildInfo instanceof GuildInfo && guildInfo.watchChannelId != "" && guildInfo.notificationsEnabled) {
const guild = await client.guilds.fetch(guildInfo.guildId);
// console.log(guildInfo instanceof GuildInfo);
const channel = await guild.channels.fetch(guildInfo.watchChannelId);
const filter = message => {
return != process.env.BOTID;
const collector = channel.createMessageCollector({ filter });
collector.on('collect', message => {
if (message.content.toLowerCase().includes("water ping")) {
this.sendWaterReminder(guildInfo, guildInfo.waterMessage, guildInfo.reminderChannelId, guild);
} else if (message.content.toLowerCase().includes("fruit ping")) {
this.sendFruitReminder(guildInfo, guildInfo.fruitMessage, guildInfo.reminderChannelId, guild);
if (message.embeds == undefined) return;
if (message.embeds.length == 0) return;
guildInfo = client.guildInfos.get(;
if (message.embeds[0].data.description.includes(strings.notifications.water)) {
this.sendWaterReminder(guildInfo, guildInfo.waterMessage, guildInfo.reminderChannelId, guild);
} else if (message.embeds[0].data.description.includes(strings.notifications.fruit)) {
this.sendFruitReminder(guildInfo, guildInfo.fruitMessage, guildInfo.reminderChannelId, guild);
guildInfos.set("collectors", collectorsArray);
async setupCollector(channel, interaction) {
if (interaction.client.guildInfos.has(interaction.guildId)) {
let collectors = interaction.client.guildInfos.get('collectors');
let guildInfo = interaction.client.guildInfos.get(interaction.guildId);
const filter = message => {
return != process.env.BOTID;
const collector = channel.createMessageCollector({ filter });
collector.on('collect', message => {
if (message.content.toLowerCase().includes("water ping")) {
this.sendWaterReminder(guildInfo, guildInfo.waterMessage, guildInfo.reminderChannelId, guild);
} else if (message.content.toLowerCase().includes("fruit ping")) {
this.sendFruitReminder(guildInfo, guildInfo.fruitMessage, guildInfo.reminderChannelId, guild);
if (message.embeds == undefined) return;
if (message.embeds.length == 0) return;
if (message.embeds[0].data.description.includes(strings.notifications.water)) {
this.sendWaterReminder(guildInfo, guildInfo.waterMessage, guildInfo.reminderChannelId, guild);
} else if (message.embeds[0].data.description.includes(strings.notifications.fruit)) {
this.sendFruitReminder(guildInfo, guildInfo.fruitMessage, guildInfo.reminderChannelId, guild);
} else {
throw "Guild doesn't exist in database!";
generateErrorId() {
const digitCount = 10;
const digits = [];
for (let i = 0; i < digitCount; i++) {
const randBase = Math.random();
const randNumRaw = randBase * 10;
const randNumRound = Math.floor(randNumRaw);
const errorId = digits.join("");
return errorId;
module.exports = functions;