
34 lines
2.4 KiB

"activity": {
"name": "trees grow"
"help": {
"title": "Silvanus Help",
"info": "This bot will analyze your tree (from the Grow A Tree Bot by Limbo Labs) and compare its growth to other trees displayed on the leaderboard.\n\nThis bot assumes that there is a single </tree:972648557796524032> message and a single </top trees:1051840665362894950> message that everyone uses. If everyone creates their own </tree:972648557796524032> and </top trees:1051840665362894950>, the reference messages will have to be updated every time, or old data will be displayed.\n\nSeeing old data? Try running </setup:1065407649363005561> again, sometimes configurations get lost.",
"setup": "To begin analyzing your Tree, first you must set up the reference messages.\n\n1. Run </setup:1065407649363005561> in the channel(s) that contain your server's tree and leaderboard messages.\n2. Now simply run </compare:1065346941166297128> where you want your analysis to be visible.",
"permissions": "At a minimum, Silvanus requires permissions to `Send Messages` and `Send Messages in Threads` if applicable. If Analyzer is given permission to `Manage Messages`, the bot will delete the `.settree` and `.setranks` messages to reduce spam."
"embeds": {
"footer": "Silvanus is not affiliated with Grow A Tree or Limbo Labs",
"color": "0x55FF55"
"emoji": {
"joint": "<:joint:862082955902976000>",
"next": "⏭️",
"previous": "⏮️",
"confirm": "☑️",
"cancel": "❌"
"urls": {
"avatar": ""
"error": {
"noGuild": "Setup has not been completed yet. Try running </setup:1065407649363005561> or </help setup:1065346941166297129>"
"status": {
"treeAndLeaderboard": "Tree and leaderboard messages were both found, setup is complete. Run </setupinfo:1065413032374706196> to verify. Run </compare:1065346941166297128> to get started!",
"treeNoLeaderboard": "A tree message was found, but a leaderboard message was not. Please run this command again in the channel containing the leaderboard if you haven't done so already. Run </setupinfo:1065413032374706196> to see if the message is set.",
"leaderboardNoTree": "A leaderboard message was found, but a tree message was not. Please run this command again in the channel containing the tree if you haven't done so already. Run </setupinfo:1065413032374706196> to see if the message is set."
"temp": {}