const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('discord.js'); const dbfn = require('../modules/dbfn.js'); const fn = require('../modules/functions.js'); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('timetoheight') .setDescription('Calculate how long it would take to reach a given height') .addIntegerOption(o => o.setName('endheight') .setDescription('Ending tree height in feet') .setRequired(true)) .addIntegerOption(o => o.setName('beginheight') .setDescription('Beginning tree height in feet') .setRequired(false)), async execute(interaction) { await interaction.deferReply({ ephemeral: true }); let beginHeight = interaction.options.getInteger('beginheight'); const endHeight = interaction.options.getInteger('endheight'); if (!beginHeight) { const guildInfo = interaction.client.guildInfos.get(; beginHeight = guildInfo.treeHeight; } fn.timeToHeight(beginHeight, endHeight).then(res => { interaction.editReply(`It will take a tree that is ${beginHeight}ft tall ${res} to reach ${endHeight}ft.`); }).catch(err => { interaction.editReply("Error: " + err); console.error(err); return; }); }, };