const fn = require('../modules/functions.js'); module.exports = { name: "message", description: "Send a message to a server owner or server", usage: ".message ", permission: "owner", async execute(message, commandData) { if (fn.dotCommands.checkPermissions(this.permission, { try { // Code Here args = commandData.args.split(" "); if (message.client.guildInfos.has(args[0])) { let guildInfo = message.client.guildInfos.get(args[0]); const guild = await message.client.guilds.fetch(args[0]).catch(async e => { await message.reply("I was unable to fetch the guild."); console.error(`Error fetching guild to send message: ${e}`); }); const guildOwner = await message.client.users.fetch(guild.ownerId).catch(async e => { await message.reply("I was unable to fetch the guild owner."); console.error(`Error fetching guild owner to send message: ${e}`); }); await guildOwner.createDM().then(async dm => { await dm.send(args.join(" ")).catch(async e => { await message.reply("I was unable to send the DM."); console.error(`Error sending DM message: ${e}`); }); }).catch(async e => { await message.reply("I was unable to create the DM."); console.error(`Error creating DM to send message: ${e}`); const channel = await guild.channels.fetch(guildInfo.reminderChannelId).catch(async e => { await message.reply("I was unable to fetch the channel."); console.error(`Error fetching channel to send message: ${e}`); }); await channel.send(args.join(" ")).catch(async e => { await message.reply("I was unable to send the message."); console.error(`Error sending message: ${e}`); }); }); } else { throw "Guild doesn't exist in database!"; } } catch (err) { console.error(err); await message.reply("There was an error running the command.")); } } } }