{ "activity": { "name": "trees grow" }, "help": { "title": "Silvanus Help", "info": "Silvanus is a dedicated companion bot designed for Grow A Tree, the popular Discord clicker game. With Silvanus by your side, you can take your tree-growing adventure to new heights! Enjoy customizable notifications, effortless tree height comparisons, and handy math features to optimize your gameplay.\n\n**Want to support Silvanus?**\nVote and leave a review for Silvanus [on Top.gg](https://top.gg/bot/521624335119810561)", "setup": "For the most up to date guides and information, check out the Silvanus Support Wiki - https://silvanus.vfsh.dev/\n[Silvanus Setup Guide](https://silvanus.vfsh.dev/en/setup)", "longDescription": "Silvanus, the ultimate companion bot for Grow A Tree, takes your tree-growing journey to the next level. Are you tired of cluttered channels filled with notifications? Silvanus has you covered! With its unique notification relay system, Silvanus listens for Grow A Tree's notifications in a hidden channel and sends customized, auto-deleting notifications to the channels of your choice. Customize your notifications and keep your server clean and organized.\n\nSilvanus simplifies leaderboard tree height comparisons with a simple command. No more manual calculations or guesswork. Silvanus shows you exactly how far you are from the next tree on the leaderboard, allowing you to gauge your progress effortlessly.\n\nBy utilizing the growth time calculation formula of Grow A Tree, Silvanus can provide you with precise estimates of growth time at a given height or the time it will take to reach a specific height, factoring in Composter modifiers available in Grow A Tree. Get strategic and plan your tree-growing endeavors like never before!\n\nSilvanus has already gained popularity in 50+ servers, and it's the only bot dedicated to enhancing the Grow A Tree experience. Its friendly and unobtrusive presence seamlessly integrates into your Grow A Tree server, creating a delightful and competitive environment for tree growers.\n\nDon't miss out on this incredible opportunity to supercharge your Grow A Tree adventure. Add Silvanus to your server today and witness the transformation of your tree-growing experience!", "allCommands": " - Compare your tree to others on the leaderboard\n - Setup a Notification Relay for the first time\n - Update an already configured Notification Relay\n - Disable the Notification Relay\n - Send a self-assignable role menu for relay pings\n - Calculates the time between waters for a tree of a given height\n - Calculates how long it would take a tree to grow to a given height\n - Set the channels to use with \n - View your server's configuration\n - Delete your server's configuration\n - Displays the bot's help page" }, "commands": { "compare": "", "setup": "", "watertime": "", "setupinfo": "", "reset": "", "help": "" }, "embeds": { "footer": "Silvanus is not affiliated with Grow A Tree or Limbo Labs", "color": 5635925, "errorTitle": "Oops!", "errorPrefix": "There seems to have been a problem.", "waterColor": 5592575, "fruitColor": 13391189, "waterTitle": "Water Notification", "fruitTitle": "Fruit Notification", "roleMenuTitle": "Role Menu", "treeRoleMenu": [ "Use the buttons below to give yourself roles.\n\n", "``💧`` - ", ": Get notifications when the tree is ready to be watered.", "\n``🍎`` - ", ": Get notifications when fruit is falling from the tree." ], "roleMenuFooter": "Tip: Tap the button again to remove the role." }, "emoji": { "joint": "<:joint:862082955902976000>", "next": "⏭️", "previous": "⏮️", "confirm": "☑️", "cancel": "❌", "water": "💧", "fruit": "🍎" }, "urls": { "avatar": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/513184762073055252/12227aa23a06d5178853e59b72c7487b.webp?size=128", "supportServer": "https://discord.gg/g5JRGn7PxU" }, "error": { "noGuild": "Setup has not been completed yet. Try running or ", "invalidSubcommand": "Invalid subcommand detected.", "noTreeMessage": " - Make sure you've sent or refreshed a Tree recently.", "noLeaderboardMessage": " - Make sure you've sent or refreshed the Tallest Trees leaderboard recently.", "noCompareMessage": " - This is awkward, I've lost my own comparison message!", "noFetchRole": "I was unable to find that role, please make sure it exists and I have access to it.", "noGiveRole": "I was unable to give that role to you, please make sure I have permission to `Manage Roles` and that the role is below my role in the server settings role list.", "noTakeRole": "I was unable to remove that role from you, please make sure I have permission to `Manage Roles` and that the role is below my role in the server settings role list.", "yesGiveRole": "Successfully added the role to your profile!", "yesTakeRole": "Successfully removed the role from your profile!" }, "status": { "treeAndLeaderboard": "Tree and leaderboard messages were both found, setup is complete. Run to verify. Run to get started!", "missingMessage": "I was unable to find both a ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` message in this channel. Please run to set up separate ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` channels.", "noneFound": "Unable to find a tree or leaderboard in the last 20 messages in this channel, make sure you've run ``/tree`` and/or ``/top trees`` recently.", "missingLeaderboardMessage": "There was a problem finding the Tallest Trees message. Please make sure the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` messages are in this channel, or run to set the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` channels.", "missingLeaderboardChannel": "There was a problem finding the Tallest Trees channel, was it deleted? Please make sure the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` messages are in this channel, or run to set the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` channels.", "missingTreeMessage": "There was a problem finding the Tree message. Please make sure the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` messages are this channel, or run to set the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` channels.", "missingTreeChannel": "There was a problem finding the Tree channel, was it deleted? Please make sure the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` messages are in this channel, or run to set the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` channels.", "reset": "All guild configuration information has been removed from the database.", "resetError": "There was a problem deleting your guild information, contact @voidf1sh#0420 for help.", "noRoleMenu": "A role menu has not been created for this guild yet. Run to create a role menu.", "optout": "Notification relay has been disabled, to re-enable the relay use with no options." }, "notifications": { "water": "is ready to be watered again!", "fruit": "Fruit is appearing!" }, "ids": { "growATree": "972637072991068220" }, "temp": {} }