{ "help": { "info": "This bot will analyze your tree (from the Grow A Tree Bot by Limbo Labs) and compare its growth to other trees displayed on the leaderboard.\n\nThis bot assumes that there is a single message and a single message that everyone uses. If everyone creates their own and , the reference messages will have to be updated every time, or old data will be displayed.", "setup": "To begin analyzing your Tree, first you must set up the reference messages.\n\n1. 1. Run in the channel(s) that contain your server's tree and leaderboard messages. 2. Now simply run where you want your analysis to be visible.", "permissions": "At a minimum, Grow A Tree Analyzer requires permissions to `Send Messages` and `Send Messages in Threads` if applicable. If Analyzer is given permission to `Manage Messages`, the bot will delete the `.settree` and `.setranks` messages to reduce spam." }, "embeds": { "footer": "Grow A Tree Analyzer is not affiliated with Grow A Tree or Limbo Labs", "color": "0x55FF55" }, "emoji": { "joint": "<:joint:862082955902976000>", "next": "⏭️", "previous": "⏮️", "confirm": "☑️", "cancel": "❌" }, "urls": { "avatar": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/513184762073055252/12227aa23a06d5178853e59b72c7487b.webp?size=128" }, "temp": {} }