const { SlashCommandBuilder, PermissionFlagsBits } = require('discord.js'); const { GuildInfo } = require('../modules/CustomClasses.js'); const dbfn = require('../modules/dbfn.js'); const fn = require('../modules/functions.js'); const strings = require('../data/strings.json'); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('relay') .setDescription('A notification relay for improved water and fruit notifications') .addSubcommand(sc => sc.setName('set') .setDescription('Set up the notification relay for the first time') .addChannelOption(o => o.setName('watchchannel') .setDescription('The channel Grow A Tree sends your notifications in') .setRequired(true) ) .addStringOption(o => o.setName('watermessage') .setDescription('Message to send for water reminders') .setRequired(true) ) .addChannelOption(o => o.setName('pingchannel') .setDescription('The channel to send the water reminder in') .setRequired(true) ) .addStringOption(o => o.setName('fruitmessage') .setDescription("Message to send for fruit reminders") .setRequired(false) ) ) .addSubcommand(sc => sc.setName('update') .setDescription('Update an already setup notification relay') .addChannelOption(o => o.setName('watchchannel') .setDescription('The channel Grow A Tree sends your notifications in') .setRequired(false) ) .addStringOption(o => o.setName('watermessage') .setDescription('Message to send for water reminders') .setRequired(false) ) .addChannelOption(o => o.setName('pingchannel') .setDescription('The channel to send the water reminder in') .setRequired(false) ) .addStringOption(o => o.setName('fruitmessage') .setDescription("Message to send for fruit reminders") .setRequired(false) ) .addBooleanOption(o => o.setName('enabled') .setDescription("Enable the relay?") .setRequired(false) ) ) .addSubcommand(sc => sc.setName('disable') .setDescription('Disable the notification relay') ) .setDefaultMemberPermissions(PermissionFlagsBits.ManageRoles), async execute(interaction) { try { await interaction.deferReply({ ephemeral: true }); const subcommand = interaction.options.getSubcommand(); // if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`${typeof subcommand}: ${subcommand}`); switch (subcommand) { // Set all components for the first time case "set": // If there is already a guildInfo object for this server if (interaction.client.guildInfos.has(interaction.guildId)) { let guildInfo = interaction.client.guildInfos.get(interaction.guildId); // Get options from the interaction const watchChannel = interaction.options.getChannel('watchchannel'); const waterMessage = interaction.options.getString('watermessage'); // If the fruit message is set, use it, otherwise default to the water message. const fruitMessage = interaction.options.getString('fruitmessage') ? interaction.options.getString('fruitmessage') : interaction.options.getString('watermessage'); const reminderChannel = interaction.options.getChannel('pingchannel'); // Set the reminder configuration in the GuildInfo object guildInfo.setReminders(waterMessage, fruitMessage,,, true); // Update the guildInfos Collection interaction.client.guildInfos.set(interaction.guildId, guildInfo); // Build a query to update the database let query = guildInfo.queryBuilder("setReminders"); // Run the query await dbfn.setGuildInfo(query); // Set up a collector on the watch channel fn.collectors.create(interaction.client, guildInfo); // Compose a reply const reply = [ `I'll watch <#${}> for Grow A Tree Notifications and relay them to <#${}>.`, `Water Message: ${waterMessage}`, `Fruit Message: ${fruitMessage}` ].join("\n"); // Send the reply await interaction.editReply( => console.error(e)); } else { // Get options from the interaction const watchChannel = interaction.options.getChannel('watchchannel'); const waterMessage = interaction.options.getString('watermessage'); // If the fruit message is set, use it. Otherwise default to the water message const fruitMessage = interaction.options.getString('fruitmessage') ? interaction.options.getString('fruitmessage') : interaction.options.getString('watermessage'); const reminderChannel = interaction.options.getChannel('pingchannel'); // Create a new GuildInfo object let guildInfo = new GuildInfo() .setIds(interaction.guildId, interaction.guild.ownerId) // Set the reminder configuration .setReminders(waterMessage, fruitMessage,,, true); // Update the guildInfos Collection interaction.client.guildInfos.set(interaction.guildId, guildInfo); // Build a query to update the database let query = guildInfo.queryBuilder("setReminders"); // Run the query await dbfn.setGuildInfo(query); // Refresh the collection await fn.collectionBuilders.guildInfos(interaction.client); // Create a messageCollector on the watch channel fn.collectors.create(interaction.client, guildInfo); // Compose a reply const reply = [ `I'll watch <#${}> for Grow A Tree Notifications and relay them to <#${}>.`, `Water Message: ${waterMessage}`, `Fruit Message: ${fruitMessage}` ].join("\n"); // Send the reply await interaction.editReply(reply).catch(e => console.error(e)); } break; case "update": // Update the relay configuration piecemeal if (interaction.client.guildInfos.has(interaction.guildId)) { let guildInfo = interaction.client.guildInfos.get(interaction.guildId); // Get all possible options from the interaction const inWatchChannel = interaction.options.getChannel('watchchannel'); const inWaterMessage = interaction.options.getString('watermessage'); const inFruitMessage = interaction.options.getString('fruitmessage'); const inReminderChannel = interaction.options.getChannel('pingchannel'); const inEnabled = interaction.options.getBoolean('enabled'); // Check if each option is set, if it is, use it. Otherwise use what was already set const outWatchChannelId = inWatchChannel ? : guildInfo.watchChannelId; const outWaterMessage = inWaterMessage ? inWaterMessage : guildInfo.waterMessage; const outFruitMessage = inFruitMessage ? inFruitMessage : guildInfo.fruitMessage; const outReminderChannelId = inReminderChannel ? : guildInfo.reminderChannelId; const outEnabled = inEnabled === undefined ? guildInfo.notificationsEnabled : inEnabled; // Update the relay configuration guildInfo.setReminders(outWaterMessage, outFruitMessage, outReminderChannelId, outWatchChannelId, outEnabled); // Update the guildInfos Collection interaction.client.guildInfos.set(interaction.guildId, guildInfo); // Build a query to update the database let query = guildInfo.queryBuilder("setReminders"); // Run the query await dbfn.setGuildInfo(query); // Refresh the collection await fn.collectionBuilders.guildInfos(interaction.client); // Create a messageCollector on the watch channel fn.collectors.create(interaction.client, guildInfo); // Compose a reply const reply = [ `I'll watch <#${outWatchChannelId}> for Grow A Tree Notifications and relay them to <#${outReminderChannelId}>.`, `Water Message: ${outWaterMessage}`, `Fruit Message: ${outFruitMessage}` ].join("\n"); // Send the reply await interaction.editReply(reply).catch(e => console.error(e)); } else { await interaction.editReply("There is no existing notification relay to update!")).catch(e => console.error(e)); } break; case 'disable': // Disable the relay if (interaction.client.guildInfos.has(interaction.guildId)) { let guildInfo = interaction.client.guildInfos.get(interaction.guildId); // Update the relay config with all undefined except for `enabled` which is false guildInfo.setReminders(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, false); // Update the guildInfos Collection interaction.client.guildInfos.set(interaction.guildId, guildInfo); // Update the database await dbfn.setGuildInfo(guildInfo.queryBuilder("setReminders")).catch(e => console.error(e)); // Refresh the collection await fn.collectionBuilders.guildInfos(interaction.client); // Close the collector await fn.collectors.end(interaction.client, guildInfo).catch(e => console.error(e)); // Reply confirming disabling of relay await interaction.editReply( => console.error(e)); } else { await interaction.editReply("A notification relay has not been set up yet!")).catch(e => console.error(e)); } break; default: await interaction.editReply("Invalid subcommand detected.")).catch(e => console.error(e)); break; } } catch (err) { console.error("Error occurred while setting up a notification relay: " + err); } }, };