const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('discord.js'); const fn = require('../modules/functions.js'); const guildInfo = require('../data/guildInfo.json'); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('setup') .setDescription('Attempt automatic configuration of the bot.'), execute(interaction) { if (guildInfo[interaction.guildId] == undefined) { guildInfo[interaction.guildId] = { "treeMessageId": "", "treeChannelId": "", "rankMessageId": "", "rankChannelId": "", "rankings": [], "treeHeight": 0 }; }{ limit: 20 }).then(msgs => { let treeFound = false; let rankFound = false; msgs.forEach(msg => { if (msg.embeds.length > 0) { if (msg.embeds[0].data.description.includes("Your tree is")) { treeFound = true; guildInfo[interaction.guildId].treeChannelId = msg.channelId; guildInfo[interaction.guildId].treeMessageId =; fn.tree.parse(msg); } else if (msg.embeds[0].data.title == "Tallest Trees") { rankFound = true; guildInfo[interaction.guildId].rankChannelId = msg.channelId; guildInfo[interaction.guildId].rankMessageId =; fn.rankings.parse(msg); } } }); if (treeFound && !(rankFound)) { interaction.reply("A tree message was found, but a leaderboard message was not. Please run this command again in the channel containing the leaderboard if you haven't done so already. Run ``/setupinfo`` to see if the message is set.")); } else if (!(treeFound) && rankFound) { interaction.reply("A leaderboard message was found, but a tree message was not. Please run this command again in the channel containing the tree if you haven't done so already. Run ``/setupinfo`` to see if the message is set.")); } else if (treeFound && rankFound) { interaction.reply("Tree and leaderboard messages were both found, setup is complete. Run ``/setupinfo`` to verify.")); } }); }, };