{ "activity": { "name": "trees grow" }, "help": { "title": "Silvanus Help", "info": "Silvanus is the ultimate Grow A Tree companion bot! Quickly compare your server's tree to others on the leaderboard with automatic calculation of tree height differences, active growth detection, watering time calculations, and more! Get started with and , then check out .\n\nImportant Note: Silvanus is only as up-to-date as your server's Tree and Tallest Trees messages. Make sure to refresh them before refreshing Silvanus' Compare message.\n\nFor the best experience we recommend the use of a single and message, otherwise make sure to run each time you run .\nStatus Indicator: ``[ Active Growth Indicator: 💧 | 24 Hour Observed Growth | Wait Time Between Waters ]``", "setup": "To begin analyzing your Tree, first you must set up the reference messages.\n\n1. Run in the channel(s) that contain your server's tree and leaderboard messages.\n2. Now simply run where you want your analysis to be visible.", "permissions": "At a minimum, Silvanus requires permissions to `Send Messages` and `Send Messages in Threads` if applicable. If Analyzer is given permission to `Manage Messages`, the bot will delete the `.settree` and `.setranks` messages to reduce spam.", "allCommands": " | | | | | " }, "commands": { "compare": "", "setup": "", "watertime": "", "setupinfo": "", "reset": "", "help": "" }, "embeds": { "footer": "Silvanus is not affiliated with Grow A Tree or Limbo Labs", "color": "0x55FF55" }, "emoji": { "joint": "<:joint:862082955902976000>", "next": "⏭️", "previous": "⏮️", "confirm": "☑️", "cancel": "❌" }, "urls": { "avatar": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/513184762073055252/12227aa23a06d5178853e59b72c7487b.webp?size=128", "supportServer": "https://discord.gg/g5JRGn7PxU" }, "error": { "noGuild": "Setup has not been completed yet. Try running or " }, "status": { "treeAndLeaderboard": "Tree and leaderboard messages were both found, setup is complete. Run to verify. Run to get started!", "treeNoLeaderboard": "A tree message was found, but a leaderboard message was not. Please run this command again in the channel containing the leaderboard if you haven't done so already. Run to see if the message is set.", "leaderboardNoTree": "A leaderboard message was found, but a tree message was not. Please run this command again in the channel containing the tree if you haven't done so already. Run to see if the message is set." }, "temp": {} }