"info":"Silvanus is the ultimate Grow A Tree companion bot! Quickly compare your server's tree to others on the leaderboard with automatic calculation of tree height differences, active growth detection, watering time calculations, and more!\n\nImportant Note: Silvanus is only as up-to-date as your server's newest Tree and Tallest Trees messages. Make sure to refresh them before refreshing Silvanus' Compare message.",
"setup":"If your ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` messages are in the same channel, simple run </compare:1065346941166297128> in that channel and you're good to go!\n\nOtherwise, run </setup:1065407649363005561> to set the proper channels for the bot to look in for the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` messages.\n\nUse </commands:1069501270454456331> to view a description of all my commands.",
"permissions":"At a minimum, Silvanus requires permissions to `Send Messages` and `Send Messages in Threads` if applicable. If Analyzer is given permission to `Manage Messages`, the bot will delete the `.settree` and `.setranks` messages to reduce spam.",
"noGuild":"Setup has not been completed yet. Try running </setup:1065407649363005561> or </help setup:1065346941166297129>"
"treeAndLeaderboard":"Tree and leaderboard messages were both found, setup is complete. Run </setupinfo:1065413032374706196> to verify. Run </compare:1065346941166297128> to get started!",
"missingMessage":"I was unable to find both a ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` message in this channel. Please run </setup:1065407649363005561> to set up separate ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` channels.",
"noneFound":"Unable to find a tree or leaderboard in the last 20 messages in this channel, make sure you've run ``/tree`` and/or ``/top trees`` recently.",
"missingLeaderboardMessage":"There was a problem finding the Tallest Trees message. Please make sure the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` messages are in this channel, or run </setup:1065407649363005561> to set the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` channels.",
"missingLeaderboardChannel":"There was a problem finding the Tallest Trees channel, was it deleted? Please make sure the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` messages are in this channel, or run </setup:1065407649363005561> to set the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` channels.",
"missingTreeMessage":"There was a problem finding the Tree message. Please make sure the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` messages are this channel, or run </setup:1065407649363005561> to set the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` channels.",
"missingTreeChannel":"There was a problem finding the Tree channel, was it deleted? Please make sure the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` messages are in this channel, or run </setup:1065407649363005561> to set the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` channels."