"info":"Silvanus is a dedicated companion bot designed for Grow A Tree, the popular Discord clicker game. With Silvanus by your side, you can take your tree-growing adventure to new heights! Enjoy customizable notifications, effortless tree height comparisons, and handy math features to optimize your gameplay.",
"setup":"For the most up to date guides and information, check out the Silvanus Support Wiki - https://silvanus.vfsh.dev/",
"permissions":"At a minimum, Silvanus requires permissions to `Send Messages` and `Send Messages in Threads` if applicable. If Analyzer is given permission to `Manage Messages`, the bot will delete the `.settree` and `.setranks` messages to reduce spam.",
"allCommands":"</compare:1077058896469966889> - Compare your tree to others on the leaderboard\n</relay set:1077322799032578152> - Setup a Notification Relay for the first time\n</relay update:1077322799032578152> - Update an already configured Notification Relay\n</relay disable:1077322799032578152> - Disable the Notification Relay\n</rolemenu:1077058896469966892> - Send a self-assignable role menu for relay pings\n</watertime:1077058896469966895> - Calculates the time between waters for a tree of a given height\n</timetoheight:1077058896469966894> - Calculates how long it would take a tree to grow to a given height\n</setup compare:1077058896469966893> - Set the channels to use with </compare:1077058896469966889>\n</setup view:1077058896469966893> - View your server's configuration\n</setup reset:1077058896469966893> - Delete your server's configuration\n</help:1077058896469966890> - Displays the bot's help page"
"noCompareMessage":"</compare:0> - This is awkward, I've lost my own comparison message!",
"noFetchRole":"I was unable to find that role, please make sure it exists and I have access to it.",
"noGiveRole":"I was unable to give that role to you, please make sure I have permission to `Manage Roles` and that the role is below my role in the server settings role list.",
"noTakeRole":"I was unable to remove that role from you, please make sure I have permission to `Manage Roles` and that the role is below my role in the server settings role list.",
"yesGiveRole":"Successfully added the role to your profile!",
"yesTakeRole":"Successfully removed the role from your profile!"
"treeAndLeaderboard":"Tree and leaderboard messages were both found, setup is complete. Run </setupinfo:1065413032374706196> to verify. Run </compare:1065346941166297128> to get started!",
"missingMessage":"I was unable to find both a ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` message in this channel. Please run </setup:1065407649363005561> to set up separate ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` channels.",
"noneFound":"Unable to find a tree or leaderboard in the last 20 messages in this channel, make sure you've run ``/tree`` and/or ``/top trees`` recently.",
"missingLeaderboardMessage":"There was a problem finding the Tallest Trees message. Please make sure the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` messages are in this channel, or run </setup:1065407649363005561> to set the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` channels.",
"missingLeaderboardChannel":"There was a problem finding the Tallest Trees channel, was it deleted? Please make sure the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` messages are in this channel, or run </setup:1065407649363005561> to set the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` channels.",
"missingTreeMessage":"There was a problem finding the Tree message. Please make sure the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` messages are this channel, or run </setup:1065407649363005561> to set the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` channels.",
"missingTreeChannel":"There was a problem finding the Tree channel, was it deleted? Please make sure the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` messages are in this channel, or run </setup:1065407649363005561> to set the ``/tree`` and ``/top trees`` channels.",
"reset":"All guild configuration information has been removed from the database.",
"resetError":"There was a problem deleting your guild information, contact @voidf1sh#0420 for help.",
"noRoleMenu":"A role menu has not been created for this guild yet. Run </setup rolemenu:0> to create a role menu.",
"optout":"Notification relay has been disabled, to re-enable the relay use </notifications update:0> with no options."