const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('@discordjs/builders'); const fn = require('../functions.js'); const indexer = require('../CustomModules/Indexer.js'); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('joints') .setDescription('Send a list of all the /joint phrases.'), async execute(interaction) { if (!interaction.client.joints) { interaction.reply('For some reason I don\'t have access to the collection of joints. Sorry about that!'); return; } let iStorage = interaction.client.iStorage.get(; let indexedJoints = indexer(interaction.client.joints, 0); indexedJoints.jointsString = new String(); = 0; for (const joint of indexedJoints.thisPage) { indexedJoints.jointsString += `${joint.content}\n`; } const commandData = { command: "/joints", author: interaction.member.displayName }; interaction.reply(fn.embeds.joints(commandData, indexedJoints)); }, };