# NodBot A simple Discord bot created by @voidf1sh#0420 for retreiving gifs, saving copypastas, and more coming soon. ## Dependencies NodBot depends on `fs`, `discord.js`, `dotenv`, `giphy-api`, and `axios`. ## Features Dynamic Help Message Ability to save favorite gifs and copypastas ## Usage All commands are provided as "file extensions" instead of prefixes to the message. ``` foo.gif -- Will return the first GIF for 'foo' foo.savegif -- Will send the first GIF result for 'foo', with Reactions to browse the results and save the GIF foo.savepasta -- Prompts the user for the copypasta text to save as 'foo.pasta' foo.pasta -- If a copypasta by the name of 'foo' is saved, the bot will send it foo.weather -- Returns the current weather in 'foo', where 'foo' is a city or ZIP code foobar.spongebob - Returns 'FoObAr' aka SpongeBob text .joint -- Puff, Puff, Pass. ``` ## To Do v3 TODO: Create database for storage of gifs, pastas, joint phrases, etc. Migrate to Discord.js v13 Beta Implement Replies to messages Implement buttons in lieu of Reacts DONE: Clean up text input for copypastas, line breaks and apostrophes break the bot. Add ability to reload commands, gifs, pastas, etc without rebooting the bot manually. DONE: Change `savepasta` to use a collector and ask for the name or the pasta. Add Stock quotes from Yahoo Finance API Add self-delete if wrongbad'd Move most string literals to config.json or strings.json for ease of editing. Make construction of the `data` element easier for the createEmbeds functions. Find a Cannabis API for strain information lookup.