const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('@discordjs/builders'); const fn = require('../functions.js'); const strings = require("../strings.json"); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('dalle') .setDescription('Generate an image with DALL-e') .addStringOption(o => o.setName("prompt") .setDescription("Prompt to send to DALL-e") .setRequired(true) ) .addStringOption(o => o.setName("size") .setDescription("1024x1024, 512x512, 256x256") .setRequired(false) .addChoices( { name: "1024x1024 (2¢)", value: "1024x1024" }, { name: "512x512 (1.8¢)", value: "512x512" }, { name: "256x256 (1.6¢)", value: "256x256" } )), async execute(interaction) { try { await interaction.deferReply(); await interaction.editReply(fn.embeds.generatingResponse()); const userPrompt = interaction.options.getString("prompt"); const size = interaction.options.getString("size") ? interaction.options.getString("size") : "512x512"; const imageUrl = await fn.openAI.imagePrompt(userPrompt, size); const dalleEmbed = fn.embeds.dalle(userPrompt, imageUrl, size); await interaction.editReply(dalleEmbed); fn.upload.openai(, userPrompt, "dalle", 0, strings.costs.dalle[size]); } catch (err) { const errorId = fn.generateErrorId(); console.error(`${errorId}: ${err}`); await interaction.editReply(`An error has occured. Error ID: ${errorId}\n${err}`); } }, };