const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('@discordjs/builders'); const fn = require('../functions.js'); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('help') .setDescription('Send the help page.') // .addStringOption(option => // option.setName('location') // .setDescription('Send help in this channel or in DMs?') // .setRequired(true) // .addChoice('Here', 'channel') // .addChoice('DMs', 'dm')) , async execute(interaction) { // switch (interaction.options.getString('location')) { // case 'channel': // await interaction.reply(; // break; // case 'dm': // await interaction.user.createDM().then(channel => { // channel.send(; // interaction.reply({content: 'I\'ve sent you a copy of my help page.', ephemeral: true}); // }); // break; // default: // interaction.reply('There was an error, please try again.'); // break; // } await interaction.reply(; }, };