/* eslint-disable comma-dangle */ // dotenv for handling environment variables const dotenv = require('dotenv'); dotenv.config(); // Assignment of environment variables for database access const dbHost = process.env.dbHost; const dbUser = process.env.dbUser; const dbName = process.env.dbName; const dbPass = process.env.dbPass; const dbPort = process.env.dbPort; const isDev = process.env.isDev; const ownerId = process.env.ownerId; // filesystem const fs = require('fs'); // Discord.js const Discord = require('discord.js'); // Fuzzy text matching for db lookups const FuzzySearch = require('fuzzy-search'); // OpenAI const { Configuration, OpenAIApi } = require("openai"); const configuration = new Configuration({ apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY, }); const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration); async function openAIStatus(o) { const response = await o.listModels(); const models = response.data.data; models.forEach(e => { console.log(`Model ID: ${e.id}`); }); }; openAIStatus(openai); // Various imports from other files const config = require('./config.json'); const strings = require('./strings.json'); const slashCommandFiles = fs.readdirSync('./slash-commands/').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js')); const dotCommandFiles = fs.readdirSync('./dot-commands/').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js')); // MySQL database connection const mysql = require('mysql'); const { GifData, PastaData, StrainData } = require('./CustomModules/NodBot'); const db = new mysql.createPool({ connectionLimit: 10, host: dbHost, user: dbUser, password: dbPass, database: dbName, port: dbPort, }); const functions = { // Functions for managing and creating Collections collections: { // Create the collection of slash commands slashCommands(client) { if (!client.slashCommands) client.slashCommands = new Discord.Collection(); client.slashCommands.clear(); for (const file of slashCommandFiles) { const slashCommand = require(`./slash-commands/${file}`); if (slashCommand.data != undefined) { client.slashCommands.set(slashCommand.data.name, slashCommand); } } if (isDev) console.log('Slash Commands Collection Built'); }, setvalidCommands(client) { for (const entry of client.dotCommands.map(command => command)) { config.validCommands.push(entry.name); if (Array.isArray(entry.alias)) { entry.alias.forEach(element => { config.validCommands.push(element); }); } else if (entry.alias != undefined) { config.validCommands.push(entry.alias); } } if (isDev) console.log(`Valid Commands Added to Config\n${config.validCommands}`); }, dotCommands(client) { if (!client.dotCommands) client.dotCommands = new Discord.Collection(); client.dotCommands.clear(); for (const file of dotCommandFiles) { const dotCommand = require(`./dot-commands/${file}`); client.dotCommands.set(dotCommand.name, dotCommand); if (Array.isArray(dotCommand.alias)) { dotCommand.alias.forEach(element => { client.dotCommands.set(element, dotCommand); }); } else if (dotCommand.alias != undefined) { client.dotCommands.set(dotCommand.alias, dotCommand); } } if (isDev) console.log('Dot Commands Collection Built'); }, gifs(rows, client) { if (!client.gifs) client.gifs = new Discord.Collection(); client.gifs.clear(); for (const row of rows) { // const gif = { // id: row.id, // name: row.name, // embed_url: row.embed_url // }; const gifData = new GifData().setInfo(row.name, row.embed_url); client.gifs.set(gifData.name, gifData); } if (isDev) console.log('GIFs Collection Built'); }, joints(rows, client) { if (!client.joints) client.joints = new Discord.Collection(); client.joints.clear(); for (const row of rows) { const joint = { id: row.id, content: row.content }; client.joints.set(joint.id, joint); } if (isDev) console.log('Joints Collection Built'); }, pastas(rows, client) { if (!client.pastas) client.pastas = new Discord.Collection(); client.pastas.clear(); for (const row of rows) { const pastaData = new PastaData().setInfo(row.name, row.content, row.iconurl, row.id); client.pastas.set(pastaData.name, pastaData); } if (isDev) console.log('Pastas Collection Built'); }, requests(rows, client) { if (!client.requests) client.requests = new Discord.Collection(); client.requests.clear(); for (const row of rows) { const request = { id: row.id, author: row.author, request: row.request, }; client.requests.set(request.id, request); } if (isDev) console.log('Requests Collection Built'); }, strains(rows, client) { if (!client.strains) client.strains = new Discord.Collection(); client.strains.clear(); for (const row of rows) { const strainData = new StrainData().setInfo( row.strain, { type: row.type, effects: row.effects, rating: row.rating, description: row.description, flavor: row.flavor }, row.id ); client.strains.set(strainData.name, strainData); // if (isDev) console.log(strain) } if (isDev) console.log('Strains Collection Built'); }, medicalAdvice(rows, client) { if (!client.medicalAdviceCol) client.medicalAdviceColl = new Discord.Collection(); client.medicalAdviceColl.clear(); for (const row of rows) { const medicalAdvice = { id: row.id, content: row.content }; client.medicalAdviceColl.set(medicalAdvice.id, medicalAdvice); } if (isDev) console.log('Medical Advice Collection Built'); }, }, dot: { getCommandData(message) { const commandData = {}; // Split the message content at the final instance of a period const finalPeriod = message.content.lastIndexOf('.'); // if(isDev) console.log(message.content); // If the final period is the last character, or doesn't exist if (finalPeriod < 0) { if (isDev) console.log(finalPeriod); commandData.isCommand = false; return commandData; } commandData.isCommand = true; // Get the first part of the message, everything leading up to the final period commandData.args = message.content.slice(0,finalPeriod).toLowerCase(); // Get the last part of the message, everything after the final period commandData.command = message.content.slice(finalPeriod).replace('.','').toLowerCase(); commandData.author = `${message.author.username}`; return this.checkCommand(commandData); }, checkCommand(commandData) { if (commandData.isCommand) { const validCommands = require('./config.json').validCommands; commandData.isValid = validCommands.includes(commandData.command); // Add exceptions for messages that contain only a link if (commandData.args.startsWith('http')) commandData.isValid = false; } else { commandData.isValid = false; console.error('Somehow a non-command made it to checkCommands()'); } return commandData; } }, embeds: { help(interaction) { // Construct the Help Embed const helpEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setColor('BLUE') .setAuthor({name: 'Help Page'}) .setDescription(strings.help.description) .setThumbnail(strings.urls.avatar); // Construct the Slash Commands help let slashCommandsFields = []; const slashCommandsMap = interaction.client.slashCommands.map(e => { return { name: e.data.name, description: e.data.description }; }) for (const e of slashCommandsMap) { slashCommandsFields.push({ name: `- /${e.name}`, value: e.description, inline: false, }); } // Construct the Dot Commands Help let dotCommandsFields = []; const dotCommandsMap = interaction.client.dotCommands.map(e => { return { name: e.name, description: e.description, usage: e.usage }; }); for (const e of dotCommandsMap) { dotCommandsFields.push({ name: `- .${e.name}`, value: `${e.description}\nUsage: ${e.usage}`, inline: false, }); } helpEmbed.addField('Slash Commands', strings.help.slash); helpEmbed.addFields(slashCommandsFields); helpEmbed.addField('Dot Commands', strings.help.dot); helpEmbed.addFields(dotCommandsFields); return { embeds: [ helpEmbed ], ephemeral: true }; }, gif(commandData) { return { embeds: [new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setAuthor({name: `${commandData.args}.${commandData.command}`}) .setImage(commandData.embed_url) .setTimestamp() .setFooter({text: commandData.author})]}; }, pasta(commandData, pastaData) { return { embeds: [ new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setAuthor({name: `${commandData.args}.${commandData.command}`}) .setDescription(pastaData.content) .setThumbnail(pastaData.iconUrl) .setTimestamp() .setFooter({text: commandData.author})]}; }, pastas(commandData) { const pastasArray = []; const pastasEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setAuthor({name: commandData.command}) .setTimestamp() .setFooter({text: commandData.author}); for (const row of commandData.pastas) { pastasArray.push(`#${row.id} - ${row.name}.pasta`); } const pastasString = pastasArray.join('\n'); pastasEmbed.setDescription(pastasString); return { embeds: [pastasEmbed], ephemeral: true }; }, gifs(commandData, gifList) { const gifsEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setAuthor({name: commandData.command}) .setTimestamp() .setFooter({text: commandData.author}) .setDescription(gifList.join('\n')); return { embeds: [gifsEmbed] }; }, text(commandData) { return { embeds: [new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setAuthor({name: commandData.command}) .setDescription(commandData.content) .setTimestamp() .setFooter({text: commandData.author})]}; }, requests(commandData) { const requestsEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setAuthor({name: commandData.command}) .setTimestamp() .setFooter({text: commandData.author}); const requestsArray = []; for (const row of commandData.requests) { requestsArray.push( `**#${row.id} - ${row.author}**`, `Request: ${row.request}` ); } requestsEmbed.setDescription(requestsArray.join('\n')); return { embeds: [requestsEmbed], ephemeral: true }; }, strain(strainInfo, interaction) { const strainEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTimestamp(); strainEmbed.addFields([ { name: 'Strain Name', value: `${strainInfo.strain}`, inline: true, }, { name: 'Type', value: `${strainInfo.type}`, inline: true, }, { name: 'Effects', value: `${strainInfo.effects}`, inline: true, }, { name: 'Flavor', value: `${strainInfo.flavor}`, inline: true, }, { name: 'Rating', value: `⭐️${strainInfo.rating}`, inline: true, }, { name: 'Description', value: `${strainInfo.description}`, inline: false, }, ]); return { embeds: [ strainEmbed ]}; }, dalle(prompt, imageUrl, size) { const dalleEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setAuthor({ name: "NodBot powered by DALL-E", iconURL: "https://assets.vfsh.dev/openai-logos/PNGs/openai-logomark.png" }) .addFields( { name: "Prompt", value: prompt } ) .setImage(imageUrl) .setFooter({ text: `This ${size} image cost ${strings.costs.dalle[size]}¢ to generate.` }) return { embeds: [dalleEmbed] }; }, gpt(prompt, response, usage) { const gptEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setAuthor({ name: "NodBot powered by GPT-3", iconURL: "https://assets.vfsh.dev/openai-logos/PNGs/openai-logomark.png" }) .setDescription(`**Prompt**\n${prompt}\n\n**Response**\n${response}`) .setFooter({ text: `This prompt used ${usage.tokens} tokens for a cost of ${usage.usdc}¢` }) return { embeds: [gptEmbed] }; }, generatingResponse() { const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setAuthor({ name: "NodBot powered by OpenAI", iconURL: "https://assets.vfsh.dev/openai-logos/PNGs/openai-logomark.png" }) .setImage("https://media.tenor.com/aHMHzNGCb4kAAAAC/sucks.gif") .setDescription("Generating a response, please stand by.") .setFooter({ text: "Ligma balls" }); return { embeds: [embed] }; } }, collect: { gifName(interaction) { const gifNameFilter = m => m.author.id == strings.temp.gifUserId; return interaction.channel.createMessageCollector({ filter: gifNameFilter, time: 30000 }); }, }, upload: { request(commandData, client) { const query = `INSERT INTO requests (author, request, status) VALUES (${db.escape(commandData.author)},${db.escape(commandData.args)},'Active')`; db.query(query, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; functions.download.requests(client); }); }, pasta(pastaData, client) { const query = `INSERT INTO pastas (name, content) VALUES (${db.escape(pastaData.name)},${db.escape(pastaData.content)}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE content=${db.escape(pastaData.content)}`; db.query(query, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; functions.download.pastas(client); }); }, joint(content, client) { const query = `INSERT INTO joints (content) VALUES (${db.escape(content)})`; db.query(query, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; functions.download.joints(client); }); }, async gif(gifData, client) { const query = `INSERT INTO gifs (name, embed_url) VALUES (${db.escape(gifData.name)}, ${db.escape(gifData.url)}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE embed_url=${db.escape(gifData.url)}`; await db.query(query, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; functions.download.gifs(client); }); }, setup(interaction) { /* Tables: * - gifs * - joints * - pastas * - requests * - strains */ const gifsQuery = "CREATE TABLE 'gifs' (id int(11), name varchar(100), embed_url varchar(1000), PRIMARY KEY(id))"; const jointsQuery = "CREATE TABLE 'joints' (id int(11), content varchar(1000), PRIMARY KEY(id))"; const pastasQuery = "CREATE TABLE 'pastas' (id int(11), name varchar(100), content varchar(1900), iconurl varchar(200) DEFAULT 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/513184762073055252/12227aa23a06d5178853e59b72c7487b.webp?size=128', PRIMARY KEY(id))"; const requestsQuery = "CREATE TABLE 'requests' (id int(11), author varchar(100), request varchar(1000), status varchar(10) DEFAULT 'Active', PRIMARY KEY(id))"; const strainsQuery = "CREATE TABLE 'strains' (id smallint(6), name varchar(60), type varchar(10), effects varchat(80), ailment varchar(70), flavor varchar(30), PRIMARY KEY(id))"; // Check for owner if (interaction.user.id == ownerId) { db.query(gifsQuery, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; }); db.query(jointsQuery, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; }); db.query(pastasQuery, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; }); db.query(requestsQuery, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; }); db.query(strainsQuery, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; }); return 'I\'ve created the required tables. Please check your database to validate this.'; } else { return 'Sorry, you don\'t have permission to do that.'; } }, medicalAdvice(content, client) { const query = `INSERT INTO medical_advice (content) VALUES (${db.escape(content)})`; db.query(query, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; functions.download.medicalAdvice(client); }); }, strain(interaction, strainData) { const strainQuery = `INSERT INTO strains (strain, type, effects, description, flavor, rating) VALUES (${db.escape(strainData.name)}, ${db.escape(strainData.type)}, ${db.escape(strainData.effects)}, ${db.escape(strainData.description)}, ${db.escape(strainData.flavor)}, ${db.escape(strainData.rating)}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE type=${db.escape(strainData.type)}, effects=${db.escape(strainData.effects)}, description=${db.escape(strainData.description)}, flavor=${db.escape(strainData.flavor)}, rating=${db.escape(strainData.rating)}`; console.log(strainQuery); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { db.query(strainQuery, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) reject(err); functions.download.strains(interaction.client); resolve(); }); }) }, openai(user, prompt, engine, tokens, usdc) { const query = `INSERT INTO openai (user, prompt, engine, tokens, usdc) VALUES (${db.escape(user)}, ${db.escape(prompt)}, ${db.escape(engine)}, ${db.escape(tokens)}, ${db.escape(usdc)})`; db.query(query, (err) => { if (err) throw err; }); } }, download: { async requests(client) { const query = 'SELECT * FROM requests WHERE status = \'Active\' ORDER BY id DESC'; await db.query(query, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; functions.collections.requests(rows, client); }); }, async pastas(client) { const query = 'SELECT * FROM pastas ORDER BY id ASC'; await db.query(query, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; functions.collections.pastas(rows, client); }); }, async gifs(client) { const query = 'SELECT * FROM gifs ORDER BY id ASC'; await db.query(query, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; functions.collections.gifs(rows, client); }); }, async joints(client) { const query = 'SELECT * FROM joints ORDER BY id ASC'; await db.query(query, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; functions.collections.joints(rows, client); }); }, async strain(strainName, interaction) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const query = `SELECT id, strain, type, effects, description, flavor, rating FROM strains WHERE strain = ${db.escape(strainName)}`; await db.query(query, (err, rows, fields) => { if (rows != undefined) { const strainInfo = { id: `${rows[0].id}`, strain: `${rows[0].strain}`, type: `${rows[0].type}`, effects: `${rows[0].effects}`, description: `${rows[0].description}`, flavor: `${rows[0].flavor}`, rating: `${rows[0].rating}`, }; const embed = functions.embeds.strain(strainInfo, interaction); resolve(embed); } }); }); }, async strains(client) { const query = 'SELECT * FROM strains'; await db.query(query, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; functions.collections.strains(rows, client); }); }, async medicalAdvice(client) { const query = 'SELECT * FROM medical_advice ORDER BY id ASC'; await db.query(query, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; functions.collections.medicalAdvice(rows, client); }); } }, weed: { strain: { lookup(strainName, client) { const strainSearcher = new FuzzySearch(client.strains.map(e => e.name)); return strainSearcher.search(strainName).slice(0,25); }, submit(strainName) { const query = `` return strainName; } } }, openAI: { chatPrompt(userPrompt) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const response = await openai.createCompletion({ model: 'text-davinci-003', prompt: userPrompt, temperature: 0.7, max_tokens: 250 }).catch(e => { reject(e); return null; }); resolve(response.data); }); }, imagePrompt(userPrompt, size, userId) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { const response = await openai.createImage({ prompt: userPrompt, size: size, user: userId }); resolve(response.data.data[0].url); } catch (e) { reject(e); return; } }); } }, search: { gifs(query, client) { const gifSearcher = new FuzzySearch(client.gifs.map(element => element.name)); return gifSearcher.search(query).slice(0,25); }, pastas(query, client) { const pastaSearcher = new FuzzySearch(client.pastas.map(element => element.name)); return pastaSearcher.search(query).slice(0,25); } }, // Parent-Level functions (miscellaneuous) closeRequest(requestId, interaction) { if (interaction.user.id == ownerId) { const { client } = interaction; const query = `UPDATE requests SET status = 'Closed' WHERE id = ${db.escape(requestId)}`; db.query(query, (err, rows, fields) => { if (err) throw err; functions.download.requests(client); }); interaction.reply({ content: `Request #${requestId} has been closed.`, ephemeral: true }); } else { interaction.reply({ content: 'You do not have permission to do that.', ephemeral: true }); } if (isDev) { console.log(requestId, interaction, ownerId); } }, spongebob(commandData) { let newText = ''; let lastIsUpper = 0; for (const letter of commandData.args) { if (letter == ' ') { newText += letter; continue; } if (letter == 'i' || letter == 'I') { newText += 'i'; lastIsUpper = 0; continue; } if (letter == 'l' || letter == 'L') { newText += 'L'; lastIsUpper = 1; continue; } if (lastIsUpper === 0) { newText += letter.toUpperCase(); lastIsUpper = 1; } else { newText += letter.toLowerCase(); lastIsUpper = 0; } } return newText + ' <:spongebob:1053398825965985822>'; }, generateErrorId() { const digitCount = 10; const digits = []; for (let i = 0; i < digitCount; i++) { const randBase = Math.random(); const randNumRaw = randBase * 10; const randNumRound = Math.floor(randNumRaw); digits.push(randNumRound); } const errorId = digits.join(""); return errorId; }, async sendHeartbeat(url) { console.log(url); https.get(url, async (response) => { let data = ''; response.on('data', (chunk) => data += chunk); response.on('end', () => { parsedData = JSON.parse(data); if ( !(parsedData.ok) ) console.error("Heartbeat failed"); }); }).on("error", (error) => console.error(error)); } }; module.exports = functions;