# NodBot v4 This repository is my working repo for a ground-up rewrite of NodBot's code to make it more stable and usable. # Dependencies * `dotenv` * `discord.js` * `fs` (built in) * `@discordjs/collection` # TODO: - Check on error handling and log outputs # DONE: - Initial setup, bot currently starts up, connects, and sends the startup message. # Current Commit Status: [ BRANCH: main ] No work has been done, this is just the template so far. # Roadmap * Database schema restructure to include important information like creation date, edit date, creator, editor, etc * Something for deduplication in the databases * Improve content management interfaces * Improve content caching and establish a fallback procedure to check the database if the content isn't cached, this will remove the reloads * Update `.spongebob` so that it handles replies properly, detecting if the replied message or the replying message should be sb'd * Add a .shed command for shedfakes * Google search * Youtube search, maybe implementing the head-emojis of popular youtubers like Tech Connections, Tom Scott, etc. * METAR/TAF retrieval * [-] Add some recursive command detection for something like `This is a message {nod.gif}` which would treat `nod.gif` as a command * Clean up Joints database, specifically strain names, attempt to find more data * Add some other file extension aliases, `.wav` in particular * Meme generator, possibly look into seeing if imgflip has an API # Recent non-versioned upgrades * Implemented `Ashtray` and `Bowl Screen` to reduce redundant and repetitive `.joint`s * Removed pseudo-random capitalization in `.spongebob`