// TODOs: Add tests for PoF and Vacuum switches, add delays for shutting down blower, test logic for igniter // Require the package for pulling version numbers const package = require('../package.json'); // Database Functions const dbfn = require('./database.js'); // Get environment variables const dotenv = require('dotenv').config(); // Module for working with files const fs = require('fs'); const { exec } = require('child_process'); var config = require('../templates/config.json'); // The functions we'll export to be used in other files const functions = { auger: { // Gets called once the Auger Pin has been setup by rpi-gpio ready(err) { if (err) throw err; console.log('Auger GPIO Ready'); return; }, // Turns the auger on (Pin 7 high) on(gpio) { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (process.env.ONPI == 'true') { gpio.write(augerPin, true, function (err) { if (err) throw err; resolve('Auger turned on.'); }); } else { resolve('Simulated auger turned on.'); } }); }, // Turns the auger off (pin 7 low) off(gpio) { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (process.env.ONPI == 'true') { gpio.write(augerPin, false, function (err) { if (err) throw err; resolve('Auger turned off.'); }); } else { resolve('Simulated auger turned off.'); } }); }, // Cycles the auger using the two functions above this one (functions.auger.on() and functions.auger.off()) // Sleeps in between cycles using functions.sleep() cycle(gpio) { return new Promise((resolve) => { // Turn the auger on this.on(gpio).then((res) => { // Log action if in debug mode // if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${(Date.now() - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res}`); // Sleep for the time set in env variables functions.sleep(config.intervals.augerOn).then((res) => { // Log action if in debug mode // if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${(Date.now() - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res}`); // Turn the auger off this.off(gpio).then((res) => { // Log action if in debug mode // if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${(Date.now() - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res}`); // Sleep for the time set in env variables functions.sleep(config.intervals.augerOff).then((res) => { // Log action if in debug mode // if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${(Date.now() - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res}`); // Resolve the promise, letting the main script know the cycle is complete resolve(`Auger cycled (${config.intervals.augerOn}/${config.intervals.augerOff})`); }); }); }); }); }); }, }, commands: { // Prepare the stove for starting startup() { // Basic startup just enables the auger const enableAugerQuery = "UPDATE status SET value = 1 WHERE key = 'auger'"; dbfn.run(enableAugerQuery).then(res => { console.log(`[${(Date.now() - config.timestamps.procStart) / 1000}] I: Auger enabled.`); return; }).catch(err => console.log(`[${(Date.now() - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] E: ${err}`)); }, shutdown() { // Basic shutdown only needs to disable the auger const disableAugerQuery = "UPDATE status SET value = 0 WHERE key = 'auger'"; dbfn.run(disableAugerQuery).then(res => { if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${(Date.now() - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: ${res.status}`); console.log(`[${(Date.now() - config.timestamps.procStart) / 1000}] I: Auger disabled.`); return; }).catch(err => console.log(`[${(Date.now() - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] E: ${err}`)); }, // Pauses the script for the time defined in env variables pause() { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${(Date.now() - config.timestamps.procStart) / 1000}] I: Pausing for ${config.intervals.pause}ms`); functions.sleep(config.intervals.pause).then((res) => { if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`[${(Date.now() - config.timestamps.procStart) / 1000}] I: Pause finished.`); resolve(); }); }); }, // Reload the environment variables on the fly reload(envs) { return new Promise((resolve) => { // Re-require dotenv because inheritance in js sucks const dotenv = require('dotenv').config({ override: true }); // Delete the reload file fs.unlink('./reload', (err) => { if (err) throw err; if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log('Deleted reload file.'); }); // Print out the new environment variables // This should be printed regardless of debug status, maybe prettied up TODO? console.log('Reloaded environment variables.'); console.log(`ONTIME=${config.intervals.augerOn}\nOFFTIME=${config.intervals.augerOff}\nPAUSETIME=${config.intervals.pause}\nDEBUG=${process.env.DEBUG}\nONPI=${process.env.ONPI}`); // Resolve the promise, letting the main script know we're done reloading the variables and the cycle can continue resolve(); }); }, refreshConfig() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // When the reload button is pressed, the call to this function will contain new config values // { // augerOff: 500, // augerOn: 1500, // pause: 5000 // } // if (newSettings != undefined) { // config.intervals.augerOff = newSettings.augerOff; // config.intervals.augerOn = newSettings.augerOn; // console.log(`[${(Date.now() - config.timestamps.procStart)/1000}] I: Intervals updated: (${newSettings.augerOn}/${newSettings.augerOff})`); // } // fs.writeFile('./config.json', JSON.stringify(config), (err) => { // if (err) reject(err); // resolve(); // }); // Get status const selectStatusQuery = "SELECT * FROM status"; dbfn.all(selectStatusQuery).then(res => { let { status } = config; let { rows } = res; status.auger = rows.auger; status.blower = rows.blower; status.igniter = rows.igniter; status.igniterFinished = rows.igniter_finished; status.pof = rows.proof_of_fire; status.shutdownNextCycle = rows.shutdown_next_cycle; status.vacuum = rows.vacuum; // Get timestamps const selectTimestampsQuery = "SELECT * FROM timestamps"; dbfn.all(selectTimestampsQuery).then(res => { let { timestamps } = config; let { rows } = res; timestamps.blowerOff = rows.blower_off; timestamps.blowerOn = rows.blower_on; timestamps.igniterOff = rows.igniter_off; timestamps.igniterOn = rows.igniter_on; timestamps.procStart = rows.process_start; // Get intervals const selectIntervalsQuery = "SELECT * FROM intervals"; dbfn.all(selectIntervalsQuery).then(res => { let { intervals } = config; let { rows } = res; intervals.augerOff = rows.auger_off; intervals.augerOn = rows.auger_on; intervals.blowerStop = rows.blower_stop; intervals.igniterStart = rows.igniter_start; intervals.pause = rows.pause; resolve({ "status": "Refreshed the config", "config": config }); }).catch(err => { reject(err); return; }); }).catch(err => { reject(err); return; }); }).catch(err => { reject(err); return; }); }); }, quit() { functions.commands.shutdown(); functions.auger.off(gpio).then(res => { console.log(`[${(Date.now() - config.timestamps.procStart) / 1000}] I: Exiting app...`); process.exit(0); }).catch(err => { console.log(`[${(Date.now() - config.timestamps.procStart) / 1000}] E: Unable to shut off auger, rebooting Pi!`); exec('shutdown -r 0'); }); } }, // Sleeps for any given milliseconds sleep(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => { // if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log(`Sleeping for ${ms}ms`); // Function to be called when setTimeout finishes const finish = () => { // Resolve the promise resolve(`Slept for ${ms}ms`); }; // The actual sleep function, sleeps for ms then calls finish() setTimeout(finish, ms); }); }, // Initializes rpi-gpio, or resolves if not on a raspberry pi init(gpio) { fs.readFile('./templates/config.json', (err, data) => { fs.writeFile('./config.json', data, (err) => { if (err) throw err; config = require('../config.json'); }) }) // TODO this boot splash needs updating return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Boot/About/Info console.log(`== Lennox Winslow PS40 == Pellet Stove Control Panel == Author: Skylar Grant == Version: v${package.version} == == Startup Time: ${new Date().toISOString()} == == Environment variables: == == ONTIME=${config.intervals.augerOn} == == OFFTIME=${config.intervals.augerOff} == == PAUSETIME=${config.intervals.pause} == == DEBUG=${process.env.DEBUG} == == ONPI=${process.env.ONPI}`); // Set up GPIO 4 (pysical pin 7) as output, then call functions.auger.ready() if (process.env.ONPI == 'true') { // Init the Auger pin gpio.setup(augerPin, gpio.DIR_OUT, (err) => { if (err) reject(err); if (process.env.DEBUG) console.log('== Auger pin initialized.'); // Resolve the promise now that all pins have been initialized resolve('== GPIO Initialized.'); }); } else { // Resolve the promise resolve('== GPIO Not Available'); } }); }, checkForQuit() { if (config.status.shutdownNextCycle == 1) { console.log(`[${(Date.now() - config.timestamps.procStart) / 1000}] I: Exiting Process!`); process.exit(); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (fs.existsSync('./quit')) { fs.unlink('./quit', err => { if (err) console.log('Error removing the quit file: ' + err); config.status.shutdownNextCycle = 1; config.status.auger = 0; resolve(); }); } else { resolve('Not shutting down'); } }); }, time(stamp) { const time = new Date(stamp); return `${time.getHours()}:${time.getMinutes()}:${time.getSeconds()}`; } } // Export the above object, functions, as a module module.exports = { functions, dbfn };