const dbfn = require('../modules/database.js'); const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3'); // Connect to or create the database. let db = new sqlite3.Database('../data/config.db', (err) => { if (err) console.error("DB Connect: " + err); console.log("Connected to database."); }); // Create `status` table /* + ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- + | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | + ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- + | key | varchar(100) | No | | | | | value | varchar(1000) | No | | | | + ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- + + ------------------- + | igniter | | blower | | auger | | igniter_finished | | shutdown_initiated | | vacuum | | proof_of_fire | | shutdown_next_cycle | + ------------------- + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS status ( key varchar(100) NOT NULL, value varchar(1000) NOT NULL ); */ const createStatusTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS status (key varchar(100) NOT NULL,value varchar(1000) NOT NULL);";, createStatusTableQuery).then(res => { console.log(res.status); const statusEntries = { igniter: 0, blower: 0, auger: 0, igniter_finished: false, shutdown_initiated: 0, vacuum: 0, proof_of_fire: 0, shutdown_next_cycle: 0 }; for ( key in statusEntries ){ const insertStatusEntryQuery = `INSERT INTO status (key, value) VALUES ("${key}", "${statusEntries[key]}")`;, insertStatusEntryQuery).then(res => { console.log(`${res.status}: ${}: ${} changes`); }).catch(err => console.error(err)); } const selectAllStatusEntriesQuery = "SELECT * FROM status"; dbfn.all(db, selectAllStatusEntriesQuery).then(res => { console.log(res.status); res.rows.forEach(row => { console.log(`${row.key} | ${row.value}`); }); }).catch(err => console.error(err)); }).catch(err => { console.error(err); }); // Create `timestamps` table /* + ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- + | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | + ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- + | key | varchar(100) | No | | | | | value | varchar(1000) | No | | | | + ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- + + ------------- + | process_start | | blower_on | | blower_off | | igniter_on | | igniter_off | + ------------- + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS timestamps ( key varchar(100) NOT NULL, value varchar(1000) NOT NULL ); */ const createTimestampsTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS timestamps (key varchar(100) NOT NULL,value varchar(1000) NOT NULL);";, createTimestampsTableQuery).then(res => { console.log(res.status); const timestampsEntries = { process_start: 0, blower_on: 0, blower_off: 0, igniter_on: 0, igniter_off: 0 }; for ( key in timestampsEntries ){ const insertTimestampsEntryQuery = `INSERT INTO timestamps (key, value) VALUES ("${key}", "${timestampsEntries[key]}")`;, insertTimestampsEntryQuery).then(res => { console.log(`${res.status}: ${}: ${} changes`); }).catch(err => console.error(err)); } const selectAllTimestampsEntriesQuery = "SELECT * FROM timestamps"; dbfn.all(db, selectAllTimestampsEntriesQuery).then(res => { console.log(res.status); res.rows.forEach(row => { console.log(`${row.key} | ${row.value}`); }); }).catch(err => console.error(err)); }).catch(err => { console.error(err); }); // Create `intervals` table /* + ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- + | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | + ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- + | key | varchar(100) | No | | | | | value | varchar(1000) | No | | | | + ----- + ------------- + ---- + --- + ------- + -------------- + + ------------- + | auger_on | | auger_off | | pause | | igniter_start | | blower_stop | + ------------- + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS intervals ( key varchar(100) NOT NULL, value varchar(1000) NOT NULL ); */ const createIntervalsTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS intervals (key varchar(100) NOT NULL,value varchar(1000) NOT NULL);";, createIntervalsTableQuery).then(res => { console.log(res.status); const intervalsEntries = { process_start: 0, blower_on: 0, blower_off: 0, igniter_on: 0, igniter_off: 0 }; for ( key in intervalsEntries ){ const insertIntervalsEntryQuery = `INSERT INTO intervals (key, value) VALUES ("${key}", "${intervalsEntries[key]}")`;, insertIntervalsEntryQuery).then(res => { console.log(`${res.status}: ${}: ${} changes`); }).catch(err => console.error(err)); } const selectAllIntervalsEntriesQuery = "SELECT * FROM intervals"; dbfn.all(db, selectAllIntervalsEntriesQuery).then(res => { console.log(res.status); res.rows.forEach(row => { console.log(`${row.key} | ${row.value}`); }); }).catch(err => console.error(err)); }).catch(err => { console.error(err); }); // Show the tables to confirm they were created properly: dbfn.showTables(db).then(res => { res.rows.forEach(row => { console.log("Table: " + JSON.stringify(row)); }); }).catch(err => { console.error(err); });