const path = require("path"); module.exports = [ // Add support for native node modules { // We're specifying native_modules in the test because the asset relocator loader generates a // "fake" .node file which is really a cjs file. test: /native_modules[/\\].+\.node$/, use: 'node-loader', }, { test: /[/\\]node_modules[/\\].+\.(m?js|node)$/, parser: { amd: false }, use: { loader: '@vercel/webpack-asset-relocator-loader', options: { outputAssetBase: 'native_modules', }, }, }, { // Loads js/jsx files with babel for transpilation test: /\.jsx?$/, use: { loader: "babel-loader", options: { exclude: /node_modules/, presets: ["@babel/preset-react"], }, }, }, { // Loads .css files test: /\.css$/, include: [path.resolve(__dirname, "app/src")], use: ["style-loader", "css-loader", "postcss-loader"], }, // Put your webpack loader rules in this array. This is where you would put // your ts-loader configuration for instance: /** * Typescript Example: * * { * test: /\.tsx?$/, * exclude: /(node_modules|.webpack)/, * loaders: [{ * loader: 'ts-loader', * options: { * transpileOnly: true * } * }] * } */ ];