# ETC 244 Robotics Lab This repository is for code developed for my ETC 244 Robotics Lab using VeX Cortex-powered Clawbots and programming them using C and ROBOTC. Code will be found in `./Labs.c`, check different branches for different labs. All code developed by Skylar Grant. # Notes My bot's configuration is non-standard, so bear that in mind when comparing sensor ports or functionality. # Motors ``` 01 - LEFT DRIVE 02 - CLAW 03 - ARM 04 - N/A 05 - N/A 06 - N/A 07 - N/A 08 - N/A 09 - N/A 10 - RIGHT DRIVE ``` # Sensors ``` ANALOG 1 - ARM POSITION POTENTIOMETER 2 - RIGHT LIGHT SENSOR 3 - LEFT LIGHT SENSOR 5 - N/A 6 - N/A 7 - N/A 8 - N/A DIGITAL 01 - N/A 02 - N/A 03 - START BUTTON 04 - ARM LIMIT SWITCH 05 - LEFT REAR BUTTON* 06 - RIGHT ROTARY ENCODER 1 07 - RIGHT ROTARY ENCODER 2 08 - SONAR IN 09 - SONAR OUT 10 - LEFT ROTARY ENCODER 1 11 - LEFT ROTARY ENCODER 2 12 - RIGHT REAR BUTTON* ```