#!/bin/bash # Customizable variables # Device $DEVICE="/dev/video0" # Temporary output directory $TO_SYNC_DIR="/tmp/TL/tosync" $SYNCED_DIR="/tmp/TL/synced" # NAS Info $NAS_MOUNT_DIR="/mnt/media" $NAS_SYNC_DIR="/TL/synced" # Pre-script configurations # Generate the date for the filename DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M") # Form the filename FILENAME="TL-$DATE.jpg" # Functions setup_dirs() { # Check if To-Sync Directory exists and create it if not if [[ ! -d $TO_SYNC_DIR ]]; then echo "To-Sync directory doesn't exist, creating it now..." mkdir -p $TO_SYNC_DIR if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Success!" else echo "Unable to create directory, exiting!" exit 1 fi fi # Check of Synced Directory exists and create it if not if [[ ! -d $SYNCED_DIR ]]; then echo "Synced directory doesn't exist, creating it now..." mkdir -p $SYNCED_DIR if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Success!" else echo "Unable to create directory, exiting!" exit 1 fi fi } capture() { # Capture an image for the timelapse and save it to /tmp/TL-YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM.jpg fswebcam -r 1920x1080 -d /dev/video0 /tmp/TL/to-sync/TL-${date}.jpg -F 1 -S 5 } sync() { local src="$TO_SYNC_DIR/" # Sync TL images from Pi to NAS rsync -avz } capture