class UserData { constructor(dataRow) { this.userId = dataRow[0]; this.uName = dataRow[1]; this.fName = dataRow[3]; this.sName = dataRow[5]; } } class EnrollmentData { constructor(dataRow) { this.orgUnitId = dataRow[0]; this.userId = dataRow[1]; this.roleName = dataRow[2]; this.timestamp = dataRow[3]; this.roleId = dataRow[5]; this.fName = "N/A"; this.sName = "N/A"; this.uName = "N/A"; } } // Create empty Maps to store the filtered enrollment data and user info in // These will be cross checked later to generate the list of all instructors const users = new Map(); const enrollments = new Map(); let states = { enrollments: false, users: false } function filterEnrollments(document) { let fileInput = document.getElementById('userEnrollmentsCsv'); let filterValue = "KV Instructor"; document.getElementById('downloadBtn') if (!fileInput.files.length) { alert('Please select a CSV file.'); return; } const file = fileInput.files[0]; Papa.parse(file, { complete: function(results) { // Iterate over the entire data set => { // Create an EnrollmentData object with it: const enrollmentData = new EnrollmentData(row); // If the row contains the filter string and is not in the 'seen' Set if (row.some(cell => cell.includes(filterValue)) && !enrollments.has(enrollmentData.userId)) { // Add it to the data array enrollments.set(enrollmentData.userId, enrollmentData); } }); states.enrollments = "Filtered"; refreshStatus(document); console.log(JSON.stringify(enrollments)); }, error: function(error) { console.error(error); alert('An error occurred while processing the file.'); } }); } const parseUsers = (usersFileInputs, document) => { if (!usersFileInputs.files.length) { alert('Please select a CSV file.'); return; } const usersFile = usersFileInputs.files[0]; Papa.parse(usersFile, { complete: function(results) { // Iterate over the entire data set => { // Create an object with it: const userData = new UserData(row); // Add it to the data array users.set(userData.userId, userData); }); states.users = "Parsed"; refreshStatus(document); console.log(users); }, error: function(error) { console.error(error); alert('An error occurred while processing the Users.csv file.'); } }); } const generateList = (document) => { const preCSV = [ "UserId,Timestamp,FirstName,LastName,Username" ]; enrollments.forEach(e => { // Get the associated user const user = users.get(e.userId); preCSV.push(`${user.userId},${e.timestamp},${user.fName},${user.sName},${user.uName}`); }); const postCSV = preCSV.join('\n'); generateCSV(postCSV, document); } const generateCSV = (input, document) => { const downloadLink = document.getElementById("downloadLink"); const blob = new Blob([input], { type: 'text/csv' }); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); console.log(url); = "display: inline;"; downloadLink.href = url; = 'Instructors.CSV'; // downloadBtn.onclick = function() { // const a = document.createElement('a'); // a.href = url; // = 'data.csv'; // document.body.appendChild(a); // }; } function refreshStatus(document) { let statusString = ""; let statusSpan = document.getElementById('statusIndicator') states.enrollments ? statusString += "Enrollments: Filtered" : statusString += "Enrollments: Not Filtered"; states.users ? statusString += "
Users: Parsed" : statusString += "
Users: Not Parsed" statusSpan.innerHTML = statusString; if (states.enrollments && states.users) { let refreshBtn = document.getElementById('refreshStatusBtn'); let downloadBtn = document.getElementById('downloadBtn'); = "display: none"; = "display: block"; } }